KIDS Archive (snapshot of selected boards as of 2013/02/14)

More detailed listing is available.
Name                    Description
2000/                   새로운 천년을 열면서
386/                    386세대(30대,8*학번,6*년생)
AfterWeddingMarch/      결혼생활
AJou/                   AJOU University (아주대학교)
anonymous/              Writen By The Man Without Identification
ANonymousOld070925/     anonymous backup
AnonymousSerious/       조금 더 진지하게 
Arizona/                Edus in Arizona
AUstralia/              A U S T R A L I A
Buddhism/               The Buddhist (불교)
CampusLife/             Campus Life In Univ. And Inst. Of Korea
canaDA/                 C A N A D A
car/                    Drive a Car (자동차)
CareerCenter/           구인  구직 
catholic/               천주교
CAU/                    ChungAng University (중앙대학교)
CBNU/                   Chonbuk Nat'l Univ (전북대학교)
Christian/              The Christian spirit (기독교)
ChungNam/               ChungNam University (충남대학교)
CinemaPlay/             삶과 영화, 그리고 연극
CMU/                    Carnegie Mellon University 
CNU/                    ChonNam University (전남대학교)
CnUnix/                 C Program, Unix, Utilities
ComicsAnim/             Comics&Animations SIG(Managed by hasups)>
ComputerGamenia/        Computer Games (컴퓨터 게임광)
consumer/               Consumer Information (소비자 정보)
cooKing/                식 후 *
CultureOfKids/          Kids' Culture & Philosophy
cyberPunk/              internet[WT]alking
dataBase/               데이타베이스 DBMS
DongDuk/                Dongduck Women Univ (동덕여대)
donggukUniv/            DongGuk University (동국대학교)
Duksung/                Duksung Women Univ (덕성여대)
economics/              Economic & StockMarket (경제,증권)
educationLearning/      교육과 학습에 대하여
EnglishOnly/            Write Message in Enlish Only
envirOnment/            환경
euroPe/                 E U R O P E
Ewha/                   Ewha Womans Univ (이화여대)
face2face/              오프라인 만남, 모임, 행사
Family/                 부모 형제 자식 그리고 이웃
fineArt/                미술 + *
FlagOfKids/             Your Idea For Kids' Flag
fleaMarket/             GiveBuySaleTake (벼룩시장)
freeeXpression/         Ultra Freedom of Expression For YOU
Fun/                    Funny Thing for just a buff of laugh.
garbages/               Anything U Like (아무거나)
GoodPlaces/             In The Life (아름다운 추억)
guest/                  guest board
Guru/                   Guru of Kids
HallymUnv/              Hallym University (한림대학교)
HangulKorean/           HANGUL, KOREAN, in Computer
healthNdiet/            헬스 및 다이어트
history/                To Know The Future (역사 기행)
HUFSan/                 Hankuk University (한국외국어대)
HYU/                    Hanyang University (한양대학교)
Iam/                    Here (자기소개)
IDofTheWeek/            금주의 인물 
internet/               Internet Informations (국제망 정보)
Japan/                  가깝고도  먼 나라 [ 일  본 ]
java/                   자바의 세계
KAIST/                  KAIST (한국과학기술원)
kidsine/                Kids Web Magazine
kidsOB/                 키죠비(키즈오비): 다섯살 이상 ?
KJIST/                  KwangJu Institute (광주과학기술원)
KNU/                    Kyungpook National Univ (경북대학교)
KoreaUniv/              Korea University (고려대학교)
KyungHee/               KyungHee University (경희대학교)
law/                    법률에 관하여
LinuxFreeBSD/           Unix in PC ( Linux and FreeBSD )
loveNfriendship/        To Escape From Being Single Or Alone
manualKids/             Manual For Kids (Kids사용자 메뉴얼)
medicineClinic/         의학, 건강, 병원 
military/               군에 관한 모든 것
MIT/                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MUD/                    MUD (머드 정보)
Music/                  Musics & Musicians Forever>
MyongJi/                MyongJi University (명지대학교)
notice/                 sysop의 공지사항
NWU/                    Northwestern University
OpenDiary/              Especially For Kids (나의 하루)
pC/                     피시의 모든 것.
pet/                    애 완 동 물
PhilosophyThought/      Philosophy & Thinker (철학과 사상)>
photo/                  사진
plantsNherb/            풀, 꽃, 나무
PNU/                    Pusan National University (부산대학교)
Politics/               In Korea (정치)
POSTECH/                Pohang Univ. of Sci & Tech (포항공대)>
purdue/                 Purdue University
QuizWit/                Quiz Humor (수수께끼,우스개)
salaryMan/              직장인
sciEncE/                과학의 세계
Season/                 The Season & a Fashion (계절,유행)
sExLife/                아름답고 건전한 
SKK/                    Sung Kyun Kwan Univ (성균관대학교)
SNU/                    Seoul National Univ (서울대학교)
SoGang/                 SoGang University (서강대학교)
SookMyung/              Sook Myung Women Univ (숙명여대)
SoongSil/               숭실대학교
SportsLeisure/          For Better Life (스포츠 레저)
Stanford/               Stanford University
studyingabroad/         Studing abroad (유학관련)
SungShin/               SungShin Women Univ (성신여대)
TAMU/                   Texas A&M University
Teach/                  Question & Answer (질문/대답)>
ToSysop/                Message to Sysop , father, of kids.
Travel/                 Travel (여행정보)
tV/                     삶의 거울    T V
UCLA/                   University of California, LA
UIUC/                   Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
UMN/                    University of Minnesota
USA/                    Anything Related to USA
venTure/                Idea, Dream, Action,  Money
Wanted/                 Wanted Help Need Search
windows/                Welcome to Windows Informations
WWW/                    World-Wide Web & Network
YonSei/                 YonSei University (연세대학교)
More detailed listing is available.
home Chuck Cho <cycho at>