
[알림판목록 I] [알림판목록 II] [처 음][이 전][다 음][맨 끝]
번호 ID 이 름 날짜 조회 제 목
18 SYSOP  skjo@kids 32 /0 473  << FTP MANUAL >> in Internet
19 SYSOP  skjo@kids 32 /0 325  Abermud
20 kdragon  김원우 32 /0 189  The price of MNP modem
21 paul  paul 32 /0 214  Help in Hangul Emulation ...
22 bugcide  이 상각 32 /0 214  Oh.. No... socket!!
23 motif  김용호 32 /0 204  Motif example 구합니다(O'Reilly)
24 Seiya  Doug! in C 32 /0 150  opps Wanted: Hong Kong BBS again..I can't
25 hanul  하늘님 32 /0 190  aber mud..
26 hanul  하늘님 32 /0 222  another mud , 한글 LP-Mud
27 andre  Andre' Ung 32 /0 223  Hi from Sweden :)
28 baram  baram 32 /0 369  The Zen of Internet.
29 kiky  Yongsup Pa 32 /0 145  Minor correction ..
30 baram  baram 32 /0 175  eagle net = The Nest BBS in SMU??
31 gracia  장인경 32 /0 142  re;bkpark-Thanx,I'll try i.login??
32 SYSOP  skjo@kids 32 /0 320  Emulators for Korean
33 coffee  Park Bae-k 32 /0 349  internet go server
34 werner  신정식 32 /0 343  between Internet and POSSERVE

[알림판목록 I] [알림판목록 II] [처 음][이 전][다 음][맨 끝]

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