From : werner (신정식) Date : Tue Jun 16 05:42:55 1992 Subject: between Internet and POSSERVE I'd like to correspond with my parents with e-mail. They are on POSSERVE(a Korean allied BBS of CompuServe) I know how to send and receive mail bbetwenn Compuserve and Internet but don't know bet. Internet and POSSERVE. I think there must be a way to do so. Is there anyneonw who knows how to do that? Please let me know. I also welcome any idea about correspondence (electronic) between Korean BBS other than POSSERVE (i.e. PCSERVE, or former KETEL). and Internet. werner P.S. Of course, if they lived in Seoul, they would be able to log in KIDS and send me mail thru KIDS without paying LONG DISTANCE Phone Bill. But, thye don't live in Seoul!! I'm in the US and I desperately need reduce my Int'l phone bill!! To Sysop: When will KOTEL extend 'KIDS' (although it's unofficial) service to local cities so that my parents can send e-mail even without paying for BBS(private like POSSERVE) connection ? |