From : coffee (Park Bae-kyung) Date : Tue Jun 2 12:31:53 1992 Subject: internet go server I (bkpark) had some difficulty in posting an article because of term type problem. Now I have a new account and can post an article. I will use this name ( coffee ) after this. ---------------------------------- There is a go server in internet. To connect it, try 'telnet 6969' or 'telnet 6969'. No login name need for connecting the server. 6969 is a port address. After connecting the server, type in your loginname(nick name in the server) and password. User interface is easy. type 'help'. It will tell you all. ----------------------------------- Another story: There is a X window client program for the server. mail to who wrote it. --------------------------------------- There ( the server) are about 2000 users and many Koreans. There are also some pro players - Jiang Jin-jun pro 9 dan, Jenice Kim pro 1 dan. -------------------------------------- I recommand you to subscribe the news group ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |