[ studyingabroad ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): iLUSiON (띠띠빤쮸) 날 짜 (Date): 2004년 5월 13일 목요일 오후 02시 07분 13초 제 목(Title): Re: [질문] 컴사/컴공/수학 박사하려면... man who want to get PhD in computer engineering.... all you can become is gond-do-ri no-ga-da-goon. get PhD in either CS or Math... undergraudate GPA 3.7 in american university seems nice but your Msc GPA of 3.5 seems too low. You are supposed to get either A or A- (assuming there is no A+) in graduate program. competitive programs get appications in the range of 300-1000 application files. so if you lack any one item, your applcations will be basically thrown away unless you have very good recommandation letter from US professors. however, there are a couple of exceptional cases so don't give up. your huge advantage is that you got Bsc and Master in US universiteis. so that seperates you from others.. get good refernce letter* and apply to school where you got your Bsc or Master's degree and pray to all mighty god - that's iLUSiON in case you don't know the name of god. :) * there are Ok reference letters and very good reference letters. extreamly good reference letters tend to say how good this student is. it will say somemthing like he is one of the most bright students i met in last 10 years. if you have capability to impress someone who can write this type of assertion, you can get into most US universities. but then it depends on who writes your reference letter. :) but... impressing someone takes dedication. not an easy job for lazy student. iLUSiON whitepolarcow@hotmail.com |