[ history ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): realman ( #황진하#) 날 짜 (Date): 1996년03월06일(수) 22시24분58초 KST 제 목(Title): 영국언론이 본 독도... 다음은 The Economist (2월 17일) 27쪽의 내용입니다.. 제목부터 잘 살펴보셔용... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Japan quarrels with South Korea. Remember the noses. TOKYO Few gesture win votes more easily in South Korea than bashing the Japanese, as President KIm Young Sam well knows. Last year he celebrated the 50th anniversary of Japan's surrender by orderingthe demolition of Tokyo's colonial headquarters building in Seoul. Now he is wooing the pubic by getting wrathful over three tiny islands which are claimed by both South Korea and Japan. The quarrel flared up last week, when the Japanese foreign minister, Yukihiko Ikeda, asked the Koreans to stop building a harbour on what Tokyo calls Takeshima(the bamboo isles), 18 hectares(45 acres) of volcanic rock in the Sea of Japan. Mr Ikeda said that the land was Japanese. Mr Kim was "indescribably outraged" at this demand. Tokdo(the lonesome isles), at Koreans call it, was part of Korea. On Tuesday he telephoned the islands' 34 coastguards (recently upped from 26), urging them to repel any invaders. In Seoul and Ulleung-do, an island near Tokdo, the Japanese flag was burnt. Salt was thrown at the Japanese embassy in Seoul to ward off bad luck. Indignant Koreans practised taekwondo (a martial art) on effigies of Mr Ikeda. A fleet of Korean fishing boats tried to sail to Tokdo for a rally, only to be warned off at the last moment by the Korean authorities. On Wednesday, lest there should be any doubt remaining about how Korea felt about the islands, the defence ministry announced that naval and air-force exercises would be held in the area. What is at stake is not the volcanic pinpricks themselbes but the sur- rounding sea, thought to be rich in minerals and fish. The two countries plan to declare 200-mile economic exclusion zones around their coasts. The islands would, in theory, be within each zone. Both countries say the islands are historically theirs. Korea notes that one of its kings first claimed them in 512. There was a bit of a gap before the first settlers (all Korean) arrived in the early 1950s. The islands' civilian population has since fluctuated between one and two fishing families, and is currently down to one man. Residents have been outnumbered by South Korean coastguards since they arrived in 1956. Korea;s claim may not be rock solid, but Japan's is as full of holes as a whiffle bat. Japanese fishermen occasionally set foot on the islands in the 19th century, but never lived there. The islands were incorporated into Japan's Shimane prefecture in 1905. Ruling-party politicians in Tokyo point out that the Korean government raised no objections at the time, which is true, but disingenuous. the Korean government in 1905 was under Japanese control, although the country was not formally annexed until 1910. Japan has ruled out the use of force, saying that the issue can be resolved through patient dialogue. But conceding even a few shreds of Tokdo's seaweed would be politically unthinkable for the Korean goverment. Koreans brood over old grievances. Two years ago, after a belated repatriation, they held a burial ceremony for the remains of 20,000 Korean noses severed during a Japanese invasion of 1592. ;\ _,' _| '`-' / ,-'`_/ ,' ,-' | Sea of Japan ,-' ,-' `-. ,' / \ / \ '-,__,. \ | \ O . TOKDO _|\/ : TAKESHIMA | | \|\ '| | ; / __,/ | __,--' ' (=) East China Sea =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 바람과 함께 떠나는 __=||=__-__-__ ? _ %% _ ###_ | :^^^^^^^^^^^^: ~~ ~` 기 차 여 행 '~~ ~ ~ ~ /_/ \ / \ / \| :- -:--:--:--: ~~~ ~~\ /~~ ~ ~ `-`@==@'`@==@'-'=`- ** -- ** -' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ |