[ Japan ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): pkp (~~~pkp~~~) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년11월08일(토) 02시26분24초 ROK 제 목(Title): Re: VISA 발급받기... Thanx a lot for your kind reply. Actually, I went to the Japan Embassy located in AnGookDong(?) so that I can check up what should I prepare to get a Visa. Several days ago, I've heard from the professor in Japan that I'll get the certificate around 20/Nov. Of course, in order to get the certificate, I've sent some of my pictures, a certificate of employment, and so on....several months ago. :) any ways, thanx again for your reply. I hope you take good care of yourself. :) 참고로... 이력서, 최종학력(졸업)증명서, 입국사유서(별다른 양식 없음), 비자신청서(대사관 구비, 사진 필요), 여권, 등도 필요하다고 합니다. 참 그리고 일본대사관은 일반인은 11:30까지밖에 비자신청 못합니다. 참고하세요~ :) ~~~~~~~~~~pkp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pkp~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_^ 키즈의 아저씨 pkp palindrome ^L^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |