글 쓴 이(By): hanmaum (오성규) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년02월15일(월) 21시45분04초 KST 제 목(Title): Using Hangul on telnet Usual systems use ASCII code(7bit). But, KSC5601 is 16bit code and requires 8bit transfer per a byte. Therefore, you do the following to use KSC5601. $ stty pass8 [or $ stty cs8 -istrip] then, you can use KSC5601 with hanterm... Surely, in KLE with '$ setenv LANG korean'. Although it, there remain some problems with networking programs which assume that ASCII code(7bit) is used as a character. There is no possible solutions except patching them in source level. Or, search similar program providing same function. example) Use 'rlogin kids.kaist.ac.kr -l bbs' rather than 'telent kids.kaist.ac.kr' rlogin sets same environment at remote site as local site. (stty pass8..) Hope to be helpful. Good Bye. - hanmaum - |