From : ymin (Young-Gie Min) Date : Tue May 19 09:50:20 1992 Subject: RE: RE: Pino.. In article 75, regarding my posting Pinnochio (article 74), kiky said, >Hmmm, you think the first one might be offensive >while the second one is not ? >Curious way of thinking, at least to me. It seems to me that there are people who think anybody who doesn't think the same way they do is strange, abnormal, or weird. Some may think both of the jokes are offensive, and some may think only the second one is offensive. For me, neither of them is offensive. Am I strange? Is my way of thinking curious to you? When I said the first one might be offensive to some people, I was afraid there might be people who cannot tolerate to see Jesus on the Fun BB. OK? -Young |