글 쓴 이(By): kiky (박 용 섭) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년02월01일(월) 15시55분38초 KST 제 목(Title): 머피의 법칙 그 전설적인 "머피의 법칙"을 올립니다. 이것이 Fun 보드에 속하는지는 확실하지 않지만 달리 눈에 띄는 보드도 없어서 여기다가 올립니다. 어떤 일을 수행하는데 염두에 두고 있으면 좋을 겁니다. ----------------- Murphy's Law 1. If anything can go wrong, it will. 2. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. 3. Everything takes longer than you expect. 4. If ther is a possiblility of several things going wrong, the one that will go wrong first will be the one that will do the most damage. 5. Left to themselves, all things go from bad to worse. 6. If you play wiht something long enough, you'll surely break it. 7. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. 8. If you see that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and you circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop. 9. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. 10. Mother Nature is a bitch. 11. It is impossible to make something foolproof, because fools are so ingenious. 12. If a great deal of time has been expended seeking the answer to a problem, with the only result being failure, the answer will be immediately obvious to the first unqualified person who comes along. ---------------- Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics Things get worse under pressure ---------------- Barton's Amendment to Murphy's Law Even if it can't, it might. |