[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): ghosty (유령) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년10월26일(화) 15시48분54초 KST 제 목(Title): What are we missing in this American lif Hello? My name is Henry. It is first time that I have ever posting in KIDS. First, I am glad to get a contact with all of you who love this EnglishOnly BBS. Now, let the story begin: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I wonder how many of you really enjoys living in this country(USA) as a next generation of Asian Imigrants. And, how many of you have the positive image of your future in this nation. In these days, this nation is getting really depressed(especially, California) enough for even Anglo Saxons to feel the dark future images. We, Korean-Americans, will eventually have harder time to compete with those Arians who have alerted with Asian-American imigrant wave for job market. At the same time, we are suffering for dual cultural background. As an one-and-a-half generation Asian American, I have a extreme difficulty in living while suffering many things that I really love. I have always dreamed living in this nation as a perfect Korean who have higher standard economically, morally, intellectually than those main stream white people. Somehow, things are getting harder and harder as I get more and more. I haven't faced the wall which called as "GLASS SEALING" yet, but knows that I will be facing that within several years. For all that I suffered, such as giving up many hours for playing with my valuable Korean speaking friends and learing ancient Korean Literatures which I have found the most artistic point of Korean culture, it seems like I am getting nothing for what I have done for my life in this society. Sad, Sad... I just can't see the bright future for my own satisfaction as living in this environment as what we are. My satisfaction is based on the bright future of whole Korean American society in this nation since I belong to them. What if it is just me who have achieved wonderful status in this nation of a BANANA(yellow outside, white inside), I will have no friend that I can love probably. I guess I love Korean culture too much. I wish someone can give better idea or porposal to the society of Korean American for desireable growth of the group. Henry ga ssut da! --------------------------------------------------------------------- It was really hard to write in English for me. I am not a English major or Social Science major. Since I am only a Computer Science nerd, please forgive my rough writing and all the hidden mispells which I would never be able to notice for another ten year or so. Bye. |