From : Juhoon (Juhoon Ahn) Date : Sun Nov 1 15:56:23 1992 Subject: RE: How about Hangul on IBM compatible. hi, I think I might able to help you out, tivor 1) ftp iyagi53_1.exe , iyagi53_2.exe from 2) after configuring with baram, run i.exe 3) you need to choose <english(in Korean)> -2 instead of three ul shik. To choose them just use alt-2 for 2 bul shik and alt-3 for three bul shik. 4) use KS5601 wansung for hangul characters. 5) I think you need to put stty -istrip cs8 in your .cshrc if you have UNIX account. If you find it is not working, try to put stty -istrip pass8. instead of cs8. These are things I learned tonight . let me know if you have trouble. I will try to help you as much as I can do. See ya! my e-mail address is jahn@chaos.cs.brandeis edu P.S. might able -> might be able, nglish -> English |