[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): AGA (jinn) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년04월07일(목) 07시17분50초 KST 제 목(Title): to TACK and Tivor Hello, TACK and Tivor. Thanks for your prompt responses; I was truly moved. Nonetheless, there was some mildly irritating matter in my mind. I figure you refered AGA to "aga" on IRC. Obviously, I'm not she. I honestly think she's way smarter than I, so there's no way she could possiblely ask such a naive question on computer jargons. This is "jhan" who had been on IRC with those Oldies. Having made you get confused, all blame is on me; I'm changing my ID to other now--will take times for that. Anyway, again, thank you and I'm sorry. Happy Kids-ing... -------------------------------------------- Mountain is mountain, water is water. ----------------------------------------- J |