[ EnglishOnly ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (Tivor) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년04월07일(목) 05시38분24초 KST 제 목(Title): Just a Thought Vol2 Part... 5? well, i labeled this Just a Thought because it's been a while since someone posted a Just a Thought. not a long while, but... a while. and to be frank, it's not really a thought. i just wanted to ask some of you out there what they feel about the just-starting war between Pentium and PowerPC. i think something very interesting is happening in the computer industry now, and i was just wondering if ppl out there has some thoughts about it. for myself, i'm waiting until the market matures for PowerPC (it's really a new-born market) and then i'll decide whether my next computer will be a Pentium or PowerPC. and i'm more interested in how PowerPC turns out than Pentium, i guess. any thoughts? take care, fellow EnglishOnly-ers. =) Tivor the Musical Guest Wolf in Waiting (?!??) jcp2@cornell.edu |