[ CBNU ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): iamholo ( 소 닉 ~) 날 짜 (Date): 1996년01월27일(토) 15시26분04초 KST 제 목(Title): What's SPRC? Hi, everyone? I'm sonic... I can't write korean.. please forgive me.. I have a question about SPRC(Semiconductor Physics Research Physics Center). I see the pamplet about SPRC.. and I heard SPRC research about Dielectric Semiconductor.. Anyone who knows about SPRC? I'll wait for your respond. Oh! I read Korean, but I can't Korean. (My terminal has problem.) Bye bye,, 빠르고, 착하고, 정의를 지키는 소닉~~~ sonic@explore.kwangwoon.ac.kr |