[ Buddhism ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (guest) <dial-83-8.ots.ut> 날 짜 (Date): 2003년 5월 4일 일요일 오후 03시 09분 45초 제 목(Title): darwinism and buddhism Recentley I read several Books about darwinism and its implication on philosophy. Especially I got interested in the Meme idea orignally suggested by Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is well knwon for his argument of selfish genes and Meme is his extension of selfish gene theory to cultural change in human history. In essence, he is suggesting that we're driven by selfish genes given by our parents and Memes given from society. Although he tries to give a opptimistic view of this state , I think only logical conclusion from this is that we're not real agents in this world but the just actors playing roles given from genes and Memes. I'm wondering if Buddhism is a kind of religion which can coexist with this scientic idea. Maybe, the only way we can be free from genes and memes is to deny myself. |