[ tV ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): dkkang (온톨러지) 날 짜 (Date): 2003년 11월 22일 토요일 오후 09시 05분 34초 제 목(Title): 삐삐 롱스타킹 http://www.cyranos.ch/pippi-e.htm BIOGRAPHY of INGER NILSSON (born on the 4th of May 1959 in Kisa, Oergotland, Sweden) The legendary serial "Pippi Langstrumpf" (1969), written by Astrid Lindgren, owes its popularity to the talented acting of Inger Nilsson as Pippi (her full name is Pippilotta Viktoradria Rullgardina Krysmynta Efraimsdotter Langstrump) and to the affectionate production of the episodes. By the end of the 60's Inger Nilsson was the absolute darling of the public. When she took on the job at the age of nine no one could foresee the enormous success of the serial and the two movies. The serial was shot between 1968 and 1969, the last movie was produced in 1973. Who supposes that Inger Nilsson became rich through her success is wrong. Inger Nilsson was like many others a "simple" child actress. She had neither any rights to the films nor any rights to her own character as Pippi Langstrumpf. The only thing her film work brought her was wonderful memories and great popularity. But for that very reason it was very difficult for Inger Nilsson to lead a normal life. All the people around her behaved towards her as if she really was Pippi Langstrumpf and they expected of her the constantly bright character of a Pippi. The people continued to treat her as you would do a ten-year-old girl in those days. Inger Nilsson finished school with the intention of not to becoming an actress. She learned and practised the profession of a secretary, however later went into acting afterall. Since 1987 she has worked for small theaters in the province of Sweden and has played very varying roles. These days Inger Nilsson is an actress with more or fewer engagements. Depending on the use of amount of work it can happen that she has financial difficulties like most freelance actors/actresses. Her wishes for the future are modest: to get interesting offers for the theater and, perhaps, to have her own children; and that the people don't treat and look upon her any longer as a child. When you speak to Inger Nilsson of the author Astrid Lindgren she thinks among other things that Astrid Lindgren would be the only person who could call her Pippi. But Astrid Lindgren never did because she knew Inger Nilsson wouldn't like it. She found herself in the limelight once again when in 1997 a 26-part animation serial was launched in Sweden. The American film industry released a picture about Pippi Longstocking but this movie was made without love and bears no comparison to the unique serial in the 60's. |