[ studyingabroad ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (glia) <pool-141-158-50-> 날 짜 (Date): 2002년 7월 22일 월요일 오후 12시 03분 14초 제 목(Title): Re: 영국판 아이비리그 러셀그룹 Well, Don be biased about what Doni said. In England, there is kind of ranking system about University and department. However, That never shows current activities or importancies. I mean that information shows general trand rather than facts. If someone want to pursuing PhD or further research,take Doni's advise. Check your supervisor's ability. With my opinion, active lecturer is better than naive reader but young professor is well better than clever reader. Durham is good university but depend on what you want to do. sometimes better than Oxbridge but sometimes worse than polytech. p.s. Doni, guess who I am? |