[ studyingabroad ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): biblio (모야) 날 짜 (Date): 2002년 2월 23일 토요일 오후 10시 31분 34초 제 목(Title): [참고] 차사실 때 주의하세요 오늘 아침에 학교 뉴스그룹 읽고 있다가 굉장히 황당한 사건을 발견했습니다. 다른 개인에게서 중고차를 구입해서 퍼밋만 있는 친구에게 운전부탁해서 오 다가 경찰에게 걸린 모양입니다. 참 재수 엄청 없다 그런 생각 밖에 안 되네요. 차 사실 때 꼼꼼히 챙기세요. 본문입니다. I post this message for a friend. He fell in big trouble. AUTO HELP! Court appearance required The situation is as follows. Today I bought a car from a resident. After I paid the money, the seller signed the title and said now the car is mine and I can go the Department of Automotive to get the formal title. I planned to get learner's permit in the next week and get a formal title at the same day. So I did not hurry to the Automotive. The problem is that I asked my friend, who only has learners permit, to drive this car home. When he tried to park this car, the police stopped us and knew the situation. We got three tickets. 1. driving without drivers license. 2. the title is open (I have not signed the at that moment). !cFailed to secure new registration!@ as is on the ticket. The police told me it is a felony! 3. driving a uninsured car Court appearance is required. The fine is $2000 (individual bond on the ticket). I have no idea about the seriousness of this situation and ask for your help. 1. driving without drivers license. This is our fault and we will admit it. But we did not intend to continue driving the car without drivers license, and just wanted to drive it back. Will it help or at least not compromise our case if we make this clear at the court? Anyway, we will admit this fault. 2. open title. To be frank, I did not realize this would be a problem before. I got the signed title from the seller, and thought the car now is mine. I would probably sign it when I get back home and went to the Automotive in a couple of days to get the registration. But ten minutes later, we got the ticket, before I could sign this title. The police said it was a felony. I was scared. I did not want to keep this title open on purpose. Only ten minutes late. Can anyone tell me how serious is this problem? Can I explain it and will the explanation help? 3. uninsured car. I do not know whether the law requires the person (or the car?) should be insured when (or even before) making the purchase. If it does, then I did do wrong. Can anyone tell me about this? Thank you for any possible help. Thanks a lot. Sincerely, |