[ studyingabroad ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): pbj (삐알) 날 짜 (Date): 2001년 9월 28일 금요일 오후 01시 01분 10초 제 목(Title): Re: Penn. State Univ.에 계신분 Thank you for your sincere reply. I need a helper because I'd not like to be an international stray guy...^^;; If there is someone want to help me, Please let me know. May God bless you, sincere volunteer. B.J. Park ******************************************************************************* Sincerely childlike life...in front of God... 포항공대 재료95,물리99M 박병주 pb)017-531-2110 pbj@postech.ac.kr ******************************************************************************* |