[ studyingabroad ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): espresso (카푸치노) 날 짜 (Date): 2001년 8월 19일 일요일 오전 02시 13분 50초 제 목(Title): Re: Q] Regarding F-1 visa status I will recommend you to check your status for full-time in the last semester. If your international office had already granted your full-time status, you would never meet any kind of problem in transferring to the other school. Oterwise, it means your status was not full-time, you need another procedure to take the step to transfer, I think. It actually doesn't matter whether or not your visa has been expired, because you are continuously staying in the states. I guess that it would be very riskful for you to try to get another visa stamp from U.S consulate in Seoul, because they already know your out-of-status, if you didn't satisfy full-time requirement. |