글 쓴 이(By): ilusion (:) 무경) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년07월17일(토) 16시10분05초 KDT 제 목(Title): RE: 우리 지구탈출하자아! 지구딸출 화성인 보세요.(To Exit) Luckly, I didn't have chance to write GRE or GRA whatever the name is because I am an undergraduate student at McGiLL UNIV. which is in Montrealrica and sice I go to school in north Amrica, I would study GRE or GRA first time, I will solve previous test problems all day long for 1 weeks whether I can actually solve problems or not and determine what GRE or GRA really is . Then forget GRE or GRA p Sorry what happend to above paragraph. With your imagination, you can figure out the missing parts. All I can say is what I just said is a pile of B.S. since I know nothing of GRE or GRA. :) GOOOOOOOOOOO^100000000 OOOOOd Luck |