글 쓴 이(By): werner (신정식) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년06월02일(수) 00시41분08초 KST 제 목(Title): To gazer: I don't think it's such a good idea to ask for applications forms by e-mails. At some schhols, graduate secretaries don't have e-mail address at all. It's only June and you've got plenty of time to send short letters by convenetional mail to get application materials. For your reference, KAEC(korea-America Edu. comm.) has very extensive collection of graduate school catalogs. BTW,hosts in phys. dept. at most schools have addresses in the form of host-name.physics.school-name.edu(physics can be phys,phy or some variation) You can get list of hosts in physics dept. by 'host -l physics.school-name.edu if 'host' is available at your computer. In case 'nslookup' is available, use that or install 'host' source of which is archived at quartz.rutgers.edu(? check this by 'archie host' werner, P.S. KAEC is at Ko-hap b/d near Ahn-guk stop of subway line 3. |