[ sciEncE ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Convex (4ever 0~) 날 짜 (Date): 1999년 5월 31일 월요일 오전 03시 18분 46초 제 목(Title): Mapping Thoughts and Even Feelings from NYT (5/22/99) Mapping Thoughts and Even Feelings By SAMUEL G. FREEDMAN Thanks to advanced new imaging techniques, the internal world of the mind is becoming more and more visible. Just as X-rays reveals our bones, the latest brain scans reveal the origins of our thoughts, moods and memories. Scientists can observe how the brain registers a joke or experiences a painful memory; they can find clues to what may cause addiction and conditions like autism, depression and attention deficit disorder. Imaging has shown, for instance, that men start losing brain tissue earlier and in larger chunks than women do. Men are particularly prone to tissue loss in the frontal and temporal lobes, areas associated with thinking and feeling, while women tend to lose tissue in the hippocampus and parietal areas, which are associated with memory and visual and spatial abilities. Brain scans have also shown that no single part of the brain is responsible for pain; rather it occurs when the areas associated with attention and emotion are activated. Here are images and excerpts from "Mapping the Mind" (University of California Press, 1998) by Rita Carter. Mona Lisa? "The distortions leap out only when you turn the picture around because the face recognition system of the brain is designed to work right side up and inverted faces are not processed as 멹aces� � just objects. Object processing happens in a different area of the brain which is not equipped to give images as fine scrutiny as the face processing area. That little jolt you got when the distorted face registered came from the emotional face recognition area of your brain. If your brain had been scanned at the moment you felt it, the area around your amygdala would have been seen to light up." finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the years of experience How Many F's Are in the Above Sentence? Most people say four. They skip the F's in the word of because the brain processes short familiar words as a single whole symbol instead of breaking them down into smaller units as they do with longer or less familiar words. Thus they don't immediately recognize that there are six F뭩. The two types of words are probably processed in different parts of the brain. ************ finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the years of experience How Many F's Are in the Above Sentence? --,--`-<@ 매일 그대와 아침햇살 받으며 매일 그대와 눈을 뜨고파.. 잠이 들고파.. Till the rivers flow up stream | Love is real \|||/ @@@ Till lovers cease to dream | Love is touch @|~j~|@ @^j^@ Till then, I'm yours, be mine | Love is free | ~ | @@ ~ @@ |