[ sciEncE ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): iLUSiON (띠띠빤쮸) 날 짜 (Date): 2004년 3월 16일 화요일 오전 08시 28분 47초 제 목(Title): Re: 인공지능의 현주소.. Buy LEXUS. it has a super cool GPS and computer talks and direct you to destinations. :) anyway it is not even AI problem. it is what you call computer vision problem and based on computer vision input, you formulate a dicision making. the real difficulty is figuring out vision input. attach monkey head to a LEXUS and a computer. it will solve vision problem way easy. hmm... probably growing human eyes and its optic nerves and use them with computer chip might be a better solution. ^^ iLUSiON whitepolarcow@hotmail.com |