[ sciEncE ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): iLUSiON (띠띠빤쮸) 날 짜 (Date): 2004년 2월 28일 토요일 오전 07시 17분 08초 제 목(Title): Re: 면심입방체보다 더나은... this topic used to be very hot about 10 years ago when a chinese geometer claimed something similar. starting from newton who argued with heygen(? not sure if he is the guy newton argued) there is this little problem called "sphere packing problem" there is a yellow springer book of the same title. assuming C^2 differentiable surface with fixed volume, i think, i t was belied that sphere gives maximum packing. so if he proved otherwise even in simulated study, it might be something. i don't think it is trivial to do computer simulation of epllipsoid packing. damn... this might be hard..... due to the boundary constrain..... iLUSiON whitepolarcow@hotmail.com |