[ pC ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): normal (놀부) 날 짜 (Date): 1999년 6월 24일 목요일 오후 04시 41분 34초 제 목(Title): AMD K7 발표됨 오늘 우연히 AMD 홈페이지에 가 봤는데 K7을 오늘 발표한다는 말이 있군요. 다음은 FAQ 내용 AMD Athlon™ Frequently Asked Questions Question: Why did you choose AMD Athlon™ as the product name for the AMD-K7 processor? Answer: In choosing the AMD Athlon™ product name, AMD wanted to emphasize that the new product represents a significant technological departure from sixth generation processors. Formerly code-named the AMD-K7, the AMD Athlon processor is a true next-generation processor in terms of its architectural capabilities and delivered performance. Question: What is AMD뭩 pricing strategy for the AMD Athlon processor? Answer: Our fundamental AMD Athlon processor pricing strategy is to offer a superior product at a fair price: This strategy is based on AMD뭩 analysis, with inputs from key customers, of what the processor price should be for each system price point. The strategy is not based on any specific percentage relationship with Intel products. The strategy is designed to enable AMD customers to offer a superior product at any system price point. Question: How much will the AMD Athlon processor cost? And how much are initial AMD Athlon processor-based systems expected to cost? Answer: Processor price (in 1,000-unit quantities) Approximate (typical) system price point 600-MHz AMD Athlon - $699 $1999 - $2599 550-MHz AMD Athlon - $479 $1599 - $1799 500-MHz AMD Athlon - $324 $1299 - $1499 Question: What makes the AMD Athlon™ processor a next-generation processor? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor is based on a new microarchitecture designed to deliver the ultimate performance for cutting-edge software applications. The AMD Athlon processor provides next-generation features for today's computing systems, including: A super-pipelined, 9-issue superscalar microarchitecture designed for high clock speeds The x86 processor industry's first 200-MHz system interface based on the Alpha™ EV6 protocol designed for scalable multiprocessing The first superscalar floating point engine implemented in an x86 processor The x86 processor industry's largest Level 1 cache (128KB total), as well as a large, programmable, high-performance L2 cache. These features combine to give users of AMD Athlon procesor-based systems the ultimate computing experience. Question: At what clock speeds will the AMD Athlon™ processor operate? Answer: Initial versions of the AMD Athlon™ processor are planned to operate at clock speeds of 600, 550, and 500MHz, based on AMD's 0.25-micron process technology. Question: When will the AMD Athlon™ processor be available in the marketplace? When can I buy a system based on the AMD Athlon? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ is shipping now to computer manufacturers. Consumer systems based on the AMD Athlon processor are planned to be available in Q3 1999. Question: What is the die size of the AMD Athlon™ processor? How many transistors? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor is 184mm2 on 0.25-micron, six-layer metal process technology, and it has approximately 22 million transistors. Question: Where will the AMD Athlon™ processor be manufactured? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor will initially be manufactured in AMD's Fab 25 wafer manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas. AMD also plans to manufacture AMD Athlon processors in its newest facility, Fab 30 in Dresden, Germany, which is slated to begin volume production in early 2000. Question: Will the AMD Athlon™ processor still be Super7™ platform-compatible? Answer: No. The high-performance AMD Athlon™ processor requires a more powerful and scalable system bus than current sixth-generation buses in order to keep pace with emerging, bandwidth-intensive applications. The AMD Athlon has a 200MHz system bus bandwidth, with room to grow to 400MHz, and it is based on the Alpha™ EV6 bus protocol licensed from Digital Equipment Corporation. This new bus is planned to enable AMD Athlon processor-based multiprocessing platforms that will enable scalability and enhanced performance required by the commercial enterprise market. Question: Is the AMD Athlon™ processor compatible with Intel's PentiumRIII motherboards? Answer: No. The AMD Athlon™ processor uses AMD's Slot A module design, which is mechanically compatible with Slot 1 motherboards but uses a different electrical interface. Because Slot A and Slot 1 infrastructures are not electrically compatible, the AMD Athlon cannot work with Slot 1 motherboards. Slot A is designed to connect electrically to a 200MHz system bus based on the Alpha EV6 bus protocol, thus delivering a significant performance advantage over slot 1 infrastructure. Question: What chipsets and motherboards are available to support the AMD Athlon™ processor? Answer: AMD plans to support the AMD Athlon™ processor by delivering its own high-performance, optimized chipset solution. In addition, AMD is working with leading third-party chipset suppliers, including VIA Technologies, Acer Laboratories Inc. (Ali), and others, to deliver solutions optimized for AMD Athlon processor-based systems using Slot A infrastructure. AMD is also working with key motherboard vendors, including AsusTech, Biostar, FIC,Microstar, and Gigabyte to provide optimized motherboards for the AMD Athlon processor. Additional motherboard suppliers are planned for 1999. Question: Can I upgrade my AMD-K6R-2 or AMD-K6-III processor-based system to the AMD Athlon™ processor? Answer: No. The AMD Athlon processor is a totally new architecture and system platform demanding a new set of thermal and electrical specifications and enclosure requirements to match its leading-edge performance capabilities. Question: I want to buy a new PC now. Should I wait to buy an AMD Athlon™ processor-based system? Answer: If you were thinking of buying a PentiumR III processor-based system, it's definitely worth waiting for the superior performance and capabilities of an AMD Athlon processor-based PC. AMD also offers a top-to-bottom selection of processor solutions that allows you to choose the ideal AMD processor-based system for your computing needs - from high-performance, high-end systems powered by the AMD Athlon to entry-level PCs based on AMD-K6 family processors. Question: Will AMD-K6 family processors be discontinued after the introduction of the AMD Athlon™ processor? Answer: Absolutely not. The AMD-K6 family continues to offer an exceptional combination of price and performance for mainstream and value-conscious PC buyers. AMD plans to keep both product lines in the marketplace for some time to come to enable top-to-bottom choices for end users, ranging from high-end systems to low-end PCs. Question: What level of performance will the AMD Athlon™ processor deliver? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor is designed to set a new performance standard for x86 processors, delivering the highest available x86 performance for software applications. The AMD Athlon is planned to deliver integer, floating point, and multimedia performance that is superior to any competing x86 processor. Question: How well does the AMD Athlon™ processor perform relative to the PentiumR III Processor? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor-the industry's first seventh-generation x86 microprocessor-is designed to significantly outperform the sixth-generation Pentium III at the same clock speed. Specific benchmark comparisions will be disclosed at introduction. Question: How powerful is the AMD Athlon™ processor's floating point capability? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor's superior floating point performance stems from its 3-issue, superscalar floating point engine based on three pipelined, out-of-order FP units. In short, the AMD Athlon has the most architecturally advanced floating point engine ever delivered in an x86 microprocessor. Question: How large are the L1 and L2 caches of the AMD Athlon™ processor? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor's on-chip L1 cache is 128KB-four times the size of the Pentium III processor's L1 cache. The L2 cache is scalable in size and speed, making the AMD Athlon processor cache architecture the most advanced of all x86 processors. The initial version of the AMD Athlon has a 512KB L2 cache, and future versions are planned to offer L2 cache sizes scaling to 8MB, enabling a total system cache larger than any x86 processor solution currently available. Question: Will the AMD Athlon™ processor support multiprocessing? Answer: Yes. The AMD Athlon™ processor bus architecture is designed to support scalable multiprocessing. As the AMD Athlon evolves into a family of procesors, multiprocessor systems (workstations and servers) based on forthcoming AMD Athlon platforms are planned to become available. The number of AMD Athlon processors in a multiprocessor system is a function of chipset implementation, and not the AMD Athlon design. Forthcoming optimized chipsets are planned to enable multiprocessor system designs based on 2,4,8 or more AMD Athlon processors. Question: What 3DNow!™ technology enhancements are planned for the AMD Athlon™ processor? Answer: AMD plans to continue to support 3DNow!™ technology, as well as MMX™ instructions and the x86 instruction set, in the AMD Athlon processor. Question: Is the AMD Athlon™ processor compatible with my favorite software? Answer: Yes. The AMD Athlon™ processor was designed to be compatible with the MicrosoftR WindowsR operating systems, including Windows 98 and Windows NTR, as well as other leading operating systems, such as Unix, Linux, OS/2 Warp, and Novell NetWare. The AMD Athlon processor was designed to be compatible with the existing installed base of more than 60,000 software packages. Question: What is the AMD Athlon™ processor strategy for the commercial market? Answer: The AMD Athlon™ processor significantly outperforms the sixth-generation PentiumR III and Pentium III Xeon processors at the same clock speed. This superior processing power is designed to enable the AMD Athlon procesor to enter the uniprocessor workstation and server markets, delivering compelling performance to small and large business users. These AMD Athlon processor-based platforms will deliver integer, floating point, and multimedia performance superior to any competing x86 processor in these segments available today. These high-performance solutions will also provide end users with world-class performance on many software programs that is faster than an6 x86 processor available. Specific AMD Athlon processor benchmarks and configurations will be disclosed at a later date. Question: Is there any diference between the AMD-K7 and AMD Athlon™ processors? Answer: No. They are the same product. AMD-K7 was a code name, and AMD Athlon™ is the product name. Home | Search | Contact Us | About AMD | Products | Support ⓒ1999 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Trademark Information |