[ medicineClinic ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): AbxTx ( Rx) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년07월11일(금) 03시52분56초 KDT 제 목(Title): Re: [질문] 성병에대해 알고프다. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD) Gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydial infections are among the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases; however, viral infections (e.g., HIV, HBV, HSV), trichomoniasis, chancroid, and venereal warts also are commonly transmited. Gonorrhea Clinical Presentation * In males, a purulent discharge with dysuria is the first sign of infections occuring 1-7 days after contact with an infected source. Untreated gonococcal urethritis sontaneously resolves after several weeks: most become asymptomatic carriers within 6 months. * In females, the most common symptom is vaginal discharge due to mucopurulent cervicitis occuriring within 10 days of exposure. Coexisting infection with C. trachomatis or Trichomonas vaginalis is very common. Syphilis Clinical Presentation * Usual incubation period is 3 weeks (range: 10-90 days). Treponema pallidum can be found in blood at this time. A painless papuple becomes ulcerated, indurated, and resolves spontaneously in 2-6 weeks. * If untreated, a secondary stage with signs and symptoms develos about 6 weeks after the chancre first appears followed by a latent stage and a subsequent tertiary stage with cardiovascular and neurological manifestations. Genital Herpes Genital Herpes Genital Herpes * Herpes simplex virus consists of two antigenic serotypes, HSV1 and HSV2. * HSB1 is the primary cause of cold sore (herpes labialis), herpes keratitis, and herpes encephalitis. *HSV2 is the primary cause of genital herpes and neonatal herpes. Clinical Presentation * Tingling, itching, genital burning beginning about 1 w2eek after direct contact with active lesions followed by appearance of numerous vesicles which eventually etupt resulting in painful ulcerations. * Lesions begin to heal in about 12 days and symptoms abate in about 2-3 weeks after first appearance. |