[ medicineClinic ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): er911 (TURBA) 날 짜 (Date): 1998년 8월 4일 화요일 오후 10시 06분 15초 제 목(Title): RE)......백반증..... National Vitiligo Foundation, Inc. A non-profit research and education organization. Vitiligo is spontaneous irregular depigmentation of skin which can occur at any stage in life. Scientifically, its cause is very poorly understood. It is not contagious and is technically not a serious health problem. But people with vitiligo and their families and friends know that it can cause much suffering because of social effects of the change in appearance. Through research, NVFI hopes to find a cause, and eventually, a cure. Through bonding together, people with vitiligo and their families and friends can learn to feel better about themselves and can battle to lessen the social pain related to other people's reactions to the face of vitiligo. Allen Locklin, President Jerri Bossley, Executive Director National Vitiligo Foundation PO Box 6337 Tyler, TX 75703 903/531-0074 FAX 903/531-9767 E-mail: 73071.33@compuserve.com Welcome to the vitiligo website. This site is here to help you learn all you want to know about vitiligo. You will not find an easy answer here, because science still does not know the cause of vitiligo nor provide an easy cure. But we'll keep you informed about the latest research and discoveries, and ways people cope with vitiligo The links on the left side of this page are where you click for more information. Please start by signing our guestbook so we can keep in touch with you! To learn more abut NVFI, click on "About NVFI". To see the Archives, including past newsletters, click on the word. The Gallery shows you the face of vitiligo, without pulling any punches. The links page provides you with links to other sites relating to vitiligo. If you would like to write to NVFI, click on "E-mail NVFI." To learn more about Doctors treating vitiligo, click on the word "Doctors." To read accounts written by other patients, click on "Patients". |