From : Tivor (John C. Park) Date : Sun Sep 6 18:18:01 1992 Subject: Just saying hi Well, people. Here I am. Han-gook-e-seo mot hae-bo-deon telecommunication-eul mi-gook-e wa-suh-ya gyeo-oo ha-gye dwae-eot-so. So I wanted to drop by and say hi to you all. I hope to get to talk with a lot of ya out there. You can usually find on IRC. Look for Tivor there. I'll be around starting from 10 am, Korea time, usually. Try #Korea. I already know a lot of you from KIDS at #Korea. See ya around! John "Tivor the Wolf" Chan-U Park P.S. Yoon Dong-gook and Kim Sung-hyun, Lee Chang-yoon, and others that I may have forgotten to mention. If you are reading this, send an E-mail to me. My address is: |