From : werner (신정식) Date : Wed Jun 17 10:51:58 1992 Subject: Re:Re: Internet and POSSERVE Baram writes connection between Internet and POSSERVE is against some Int'l law. ( But, I doubt there's that kind of regulation as long as e-mial is concerned. Of course I read Choi,Woohyung's article and I think his article is about direct 'Routing' between Internet and Korean Commercial BBS, not about e-mail exchnage. Restriction of direct 'routing' among them is resaonable. But, restriction of e-mail exchange is absurd I guess Baram agreee with me on this point. Anyway, thanks for your reply(to Baram). Actually, I heard from my brother (now at my home after final) that e-mail exchnage between Interenet and Posserve will begin this July. This is not certain yt. He has to check it again and I ahve to call Korea to kno using expensive AT&T werner , who uses AT&T for the same reason as kiky. |