[ internet ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): skjo (Jo San-Ku) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년08월11일(수) 11시45분33초 KDT 제 목(Title): Internet In Korea Title: Introduction to KREONet 1. Introduction National Backbone Computer Network had started to plan under Korean Government in 1983, divided into 5 networks: 0 Government Administration Network 0 Bank and Financial Network 0 National Defence Network 0 National Security Network 0 Academic and Research Network Korea Research Environment Open Network(KREONet) is the one of the 5 National Backbone Computer Network for the Korea research and development society under the Academic and Research Network plan. It connects all the computers in R&D institutes of Korea, allows all the senior students, professors and researchers to share computing resources and interchange valuable information for their research. KREONet is constructed and enlarged to improve the R&D productivity through supporting vaule added network to all kind of R&D fields. 2. Aims of the Network Through many paper works for KREONet, the practical construction was launched in 1988 for the following major objectives: 0 Construct KREONet backbone communication network which covers nationalwide with high speed. 0 Interconnect all the local computer networks and hosts of Korea R&D institutes to KREONet backbone altogether. 0 Establish computer network architecture with basic application services and value added services for the end users. 0 Maintain Network efficiently and support all the subscribed members. Sponsoring and funding are fully provided by the Korean Government during the period, 1988 to 1996. System Engineering Research Institue under Korea Institute of Science and Technology(SERI/KIST) has the charge of achieving all the aims listed above. 3. Architecture and Components of KREONet 3.1 Standard Network Architectures OSI/ISO is the final standard network architecture of KREONet. But because it has not been developed completely, now Internet network architecture, TCP/IP protocol suite, is used as a practical standard of KREONet. And accomodation to OSI is being proceeded through the coexistence of TCP/IP and OSI of KREONet. 0 Open System Interconnection(OSI): Final goal of standard architecture of KREONet 0 Internet Architecture(TCP/IP): Current standard of KREONet 0 Coexistence and Transition of TCP/IP and OSI: RFC1006, Gateways, Dual Hosts.. 0 Additional Network Protocol: Public Telephone & Data Network(Dialup, X.25), SNA 3.2 Physical Infrastructure and Communication Speed Physical backbone covers nationwide including 8 major cities in Korea by T1(1.544Mbps) and 56 Kbps speed. Such a Wide Area Network(WAN) is acomplished by installing CISCO router products to all subscribed member's sites. 0 Main KREONet Centers: Seoul(Northern of South Korea) center and Daiduk(Center of South Korea) center interconnected each other at T1 rate. Main Centers Hostname Machine O.S. Features ============ ======== ======== ========== ====================== Seoul gaya SUN4/370 SUNOS4.0.3 BIND, SNA3270, SLIP, SunLink/IR,X.25,News, Dialup, RFC, ISODE,.. Taiduk garam SUN4/390 SUNOS4.0.3 BIND,SLIP,IR,X.25, CRAY2S,SNMP,News, Dialup,CERFnet... 0 Regional Centers: These centers are being installed from this year(1991) at Taegu City, Kwangju City, Pusan City, Junju, Chungju, Chuncheon, Changwon, Pohang. 0 Members Subnets: All the subscribed member's subnets are attached to backbone of KREONet via cisco router's serial or server's(SUN) serial line at 9.6 Kbps or 56Kbps rate. Most of subnets consists of LAN like as ETHERNET, but some only workstations or PC. 3.3 Interconnected Networks KREONet provides the interconnection with other computer networks in Korea. 0 HANA/SDN: System Development Network(SDN) is the first R&D network by using TCP/IP and UUCP in Korea since 1983 and HANA is international gateway network whose role is interconnection between Internet/USA and domestic R&D computer networks. 0 KIETLINE: KIETLINE is managed by KIET for the largest database in Korea. This uses IBM's SNA protocol, so its gateway is supported in SUN server by KREONet. 0 DACOMNET: DACOMNET is the only public data network in Korea managed by DACOM. X.25 server is supported at Seoul and Taiduk KREONet centers. 0 Etc. Interconnections with experimental OSI network and Metro Politan Area Network is tested and supported. 3.4 Network Application Services All the users of KREONet can access network application services without any concerns of phsical backbone network because the standard TCP/IP network protocols suites hide it. 0 Electronic Mail(mail/SMTP): A user can exchange the electronic message with any other users at worldwide R&D sites instantly. This system also supports additional functions valuable, like as the broadcating and multicating message among interests group members. 0 File Transfer(ftp): Any users can transfer his files between local and remote sites. Especially user can retrieve public software by using anonymous ftp features from the worldwide sites. 0 Remote Login(telnet/rlogin): Regardless geographical distance and number of hops to remote hosts, users can access that hosts as a terminal. 0 Network News(netnews): There are so many interest groups for network bulletine board, netnews. A user can join to a special group, send and read the news articles. 0 Remote Job Entry(rsh): A user can excute remote hoste command at his machine. 3.5 Additional Application Services KREONet provides and plans more additional valuable services using network applications and TCP/IP protocols. 0 Database Access: KIETLINE database is the largest database accessed via KREONet and special database will be provided by individual government institutes. 0 Supercomputer Access: CRAY-2S supercomputer at SERI in Taiduk can be accessed directly just using TCP/IP remote rogin command. Now that supercomputer covers and supports various kinds of application/simulation packages for the all academic and research fields and areas of Korea. 0 Network Information Services: All kinds of information about KREONet like as a guidence of KREONet, information of subscribed sites, hosts, subnets, users, and etc.. are now developed. 0 Special Value Added Services: As the logical information networks on the top of the KREONet, special value added network(VAN) for the variable fields like as biologics, physics, mechanics, electronics, chemicals and etc.. are tried to setup. 4. International Cooperation Physical interconnection with US Internet is started from 1991 March. The link supports 56Kbps rate using CISCO router box between KREONet Taiduk Center and CERFnet Center. CERFnet is one of the regional network of National Science Foundation Network(NSFNET) which covers the southern California of USA and has supercomputer center. 0 Users can access to the any sites of worldwide via CERFnet's enterence to NSFNET and Internet. 0 Joint projects, studies with CERFnet members are anticipated utilizing supercomputing power in both sides. 5. Members Sites KREONet covers all the major university, government and company research institutes. At this point, since it's not completed the national backbone yet, it's estimated about 20 sites and 100 hosts are attached to KREONet. SERI System Engineering Research Institute KIST Korea Institute of Science and Technology ETRI Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute KSRI Korea Standards Research Institute GEC Genetic Engineering Center KAIST Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KORDI Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute KAERI Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute KIER Korea Institute of Energy and Resources KIMM Korea Institute of Machinery and Metals KRICT Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology KERI Korea Electro Technology Institute KIET Korea Institute of Economics Technology DHISRC Daewoo Heavy Indurstry and Ship Research Center ISSA Institute of Space and Areo-technology Goldstar Goldstar Company Research Center POSTECH Pohang Science and Technology University Hanyang University Seoul National University Chungbuk National University Chungnam National University 6. Network Operations and Administration Current TCP/IP network number for KREONet is B class 134.75 under the KR domain like as another networks in Korea. Almost subscribed member's sunbnets use KREONet's subnet address. So KREONet center distributes IP subnet address and guide to setup and administrate all the subnets inside KREONet. And it has the plan to migrate from KR domain to KREONET domain. 0 Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP): SNMP which is the standard network management protocol of Internet, is supported for the KREONet management on the SUN workstation platform with all the CISCO router boxes. 0 Digial Communication Circuits Administration: Special division to monitor and backup serial communications circuits and modems improves the reliability of KREONet. 7. The Future of KREONet Continueous updating the technology and services of KREONet is required. Some topics to do this are studied as listed below. 0 High Speed Backbone: At least all the backbone lines will be upgraded upto T1 speed. 0 Network Information Center: All the valuable information for KREONet will be constructed and serviced to all users. 0 Network Operation Center: Efficient operation and administration of KREONet is studied and developed continueously. 0 Special Vaule Added Network: KREONet will support all kinds of special VAN as a logical network. 0 OSI Network: It will migrate to OSI standard network architecture soon and test the interoperability with experimental OSI networks. 0 Interoperation with Another Networks: International connection to Europe and domestic interoperation with another national backbone networks and R&D networks will be tried. 8. Conclusion There are some networks for R&D society in Korea, but KREONet will be the most advanced one due to goverment's official supports. If the high speed and reliable backbone network will be stable as soon as possible, KREONet will fulfill its roles, as the best tools of computer communication as well as the improvement of R&D productivity of Korea. And to acomplish all the future engineering and advanced topics listed in 7, it needs more manpower and fund. For more information and comments, please contact: KREONet Center Taiduk 1 Eoeun-dong, Yusung-gu, Taejun City South Korea, 305 - 333 TEL. +82(42)829-1351,...7 FAX. +82(42)861-1999 Okhwan Byeon : ohbyeon@garam.seri.re.kr : Director Chaeho Lim : chlim@garam.seri.re.kr : Senior Staff Sangchul Han : schan@garam.seri.re.kr : Senior Staff *Kookhang Cho : khcho@garam.seri.re.kr : Technical Staff Moonyoung Yoon : myyoon@garam.seri.re.kr : Technical Staff Sungjin Ahn : sjahn@garam.seri.re.kr : Technical Staff Junghwa Park : jwpark@garam.seri.re.kr : Assistant Staff * He is the operater of KREONet Taiduk Center. KREONet Center Seoul 39-1 Hawolgok-dong, Sungbuk-gu, Seoul South Korea, 136 - 791 TEL. +82(2)964-0589 FAX. +82(2) **Keunhee Han : khhan@gaya.seri.re.kr : Technical Staff ** He is the operator of KREONet Seoul Center. -------------- Dettach Here --------------------------------------------- chlim-91028 04/19/Fri. Title: Contact Interests Groups in Korea R&D Networks ===================================================== 0. This document shows a short report on contact points and interests groups list in Korea R&D networks in current. At first all the R&D networks are descripted and next, interests groups, that is electronic mailing lists, will be shown. 1. Current R&D Networks in Korea. In 1984, the first R&D networkin Korea, System Development Network(SDN), is appeared with the connection between KAIST and Seoul National University. Main communication protocols of SDN was TCP/IP and UUCP. SDN had acted as a major computer network in Korea, but since it always has maintained by volunteer, it failed to enlarge its coverage. As Korean government has started to plan major 5 National Backbone Computer Network, new R&D network called Korea Research Environment Open Network(KREONet) launched in 1988. This had TCP/IP protocol as interim standard like as INTERNET, USA until Open System Interconnection(OSI) protocols will be stable. Simliar with KREONet, academic environment network was also started its service towords Universities with SNA protocol and connection of BITNET with Tokyo University, Japan. Korea Academic Research Network(KARN) is managed by Seoul National University. And another gateway network is emerged newly called HANA(one) whose role is to interconnect international link with INTERNET. Till recent date, all the R&D networks in Korea use this HANA network as only international link. But now KREONet is about to announce its own link with the CERFnet/NSFNET/ Internet, USA at 56Kbps rate same speed as one of HANA. 2. Contact Points of Each Networks HANA/SDN CSRC/KAIST Comuter Center 207-43, Cheonryang, Dondaemon, Seoul TEL. +82(2)962-3519,966-1931(Ex.2431-4) Email. csrc-tech@kum.kaist.ac.kr KREONet KREONet Center/SERI of KIST 1, Eoeun, Yusung, Taejun City, South Korea TEL. +82(42)829-1351-8 FAX. +82(42)865-1999 Email. staff@garam.seri.re.kr KARN Not Available at this point. 3. Interests Groups All the interests groups are managed in host, "kum.kaist.ac.kr". If anyone wants to send message, please type: %mail GROUPNMAE@kum.kaist.ac.kr All following are mailing list name in kum.kaist.ac.kr and all the group name imply its interests as you can see. And as you can see suffix "korea" means that this name is registered at Internet mailing list. hana-tech, 386users-korea, ai-korea, big-lan-korea, cdrom-korea, comp-soc-korea, gnu-korea, gwmon-korea, info-graphics-korea, info-ibmpc-korea, info-mac-korea, info-mach-korea, info-nets-korea, info-unix, interfaces-p-m-korea, iso-korea, isode-korea, lwusers-korea, mhsnews-korea, namedroppers-korea, neuron-korea, nl-kr-korea, nfs-korea, nren-discuss-korea, prolog-korea, resource-guide-korea, sdn-info, security-korea, sigmhs-korea, soft-eng-korea, sun-korea-info, technology-transfer-list-korea, telecom-korea, theory-korea, transputer-korea, unix-wizards-korea, vidnet-korea, vision-korea, works-korea, xannounce-korea, bug-clx-korea, x-ada-korea, x11-3d-korea, xgks-korea, ximage-korea, xpert-korea, xvideo-korea, mmedia-korea, ln-korea, osia, # OSI Association Members jtc1-s, # ISO/IEC JTC1 Korea Members osf-bulletin-korea, osc-comment-korea, sig-uec-korea, sig-international-korea, sigwg-uec-tech-korea, sigwg-uec-style-korea, sigwg-uec-uims-korea, sigwg-uec-i18n-korea, sigwg-uec-desktop-korea, sigwg-uec-exchange-korea, sigwg-uec-render-korea, sigwg-uec-x11-korea, sigwg-uec-intrinsic-korea, motiftech-korea, motifintl-korea, motiflang-korea, uec-comment-korea, motif-talk-korea, openlook-korea, api1201-korea, If you want to join anyone group, please send Email to: mail GROUPNAME-request@kum.kaist.ac.kr 4. Each Institution and Gateway Contacts Followings are showing all the institute name which can be accessed online networks. If someone have an interest about one, contact to it by the electronic mail. Maybe all the gateway hosts of own institutes will provide postmaster. If you contact the postmaster of thise hosts, he will deliver your mail or reply to your mail. Institute Name IP Address Host Name Alias ============== ============ ================== ====== KAIST sorak.kaist.ac.kr sorak KAIST kum.kaist.ac.kr kum Seoul National Univ. snucom.snu.ac.kr snucom Korea University kuecc.ukorea.ac.kr kuecc Hanyang University hyuee.hanyang.ac.kr hyuee Kwangwoon University dobong.kwu.ac.kr dobong Gold Star(Gumsung) gsc.gsc.co.kr gsc Samsung Tech Center silla.sait.co.kr silla Samsung Semiconductor sujung.sst.co.kr sunjung Sambo(Trigem) trigem.tg.co.kr trigem Korea Telecomm. Autho. kta.kta.co.kr kta Sungshin Univ. swucs.swu.ac.kr swucs Human Computer Inc. solx.hci.co.kr solx Solvit System Inc. aladdin.solvit.co.kr aladdin Media System Inc. dino.media.co.kr dino POSTECH hwarang.postech.ac.kr hwarang SERI(Seoul) gaya.seri.re.kr gaya SERI(Taiduk) garam.seri.re.kr garam SERI Super computer cray2s.seri.re.kr cray2s KIST pinetree.kist.re.kr pinetree ISSA apissa.issa.re.kr apissa KSRI ksrigw.ksri.re.kr ksrigw KAERI kaerigw.kaeri.re.kr kaerigw Chungnam University chung.cnnu.ac.kr chung DSHM(Daewoo) ds3100.dshm.co.kr ds3100 KMS kms ETRI sokri.etri.re.kr sokri 5. Comments If you have further questions, don't hesitate to let me know it. Chaeho Lim, Visiting Research Assistant Rm#3125, Williams Building || lim@brillig.cs.umd.edu Computer Science Department || Office: (301)405-6741 University of Maryland || Fax...: (301)405-6707 College Park, MD 20742 || Home : (301)461-8982 My home country address is: Chaeho Lim, Senior Staff of KREONet SERI/KIST || chlim@garam.seri.re.kr 1, Eoeun, Yoosung, Taejun || Phone: +82(42)829-1357 South Korea, 305 -333 || Fax. : +82(42)861-1999 |