글 쓴 이(By): werner (신정식) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년06월15일(화) 08시02분44초 KST 제 목(Title): To Holy: On archie Try ARchie yourself and you'll know what it is and feel it. It's available at GARAM.kreonet.re.kr(login as 'nic') and perhaps on KIDS,too. As I said before, ARCHIE is only one of tools available for Internet information hunting. Why don;'t you try Gopher,WAIS,WWW and Veronica? All of them are available in Korea. For further information on Internet, get and read 'The Whole Internet' by Ed Krol or attend 'Internet Workshop' to be held in early July at Korea Telecom Reserch Center that I would attend if I were in Korea. werner, BTW, regarding Optics specific information, ask about it on Sci.optics and Sci.physics of USENET. Also, AIP(American Inst. of Physics;Association of physicis related societies in the US like APS,OSA,AAPT,ASA,AAA?,AGU?,etc) operates PI-Net accessible either via Internet or dial-up which offers SPIN-Database of all articles published in journals of its member societies - and directory of physics related organizations and individuals Unfortunately, PINET is not free. |