<< Mac Ftp List >> Here's volume 1, #2 (March 1991) of the mac.ftp.list. There have been numerous additions and bug fixes since the premiere release. I'm especially sorry about all those errors. Most of them were due to file transfer errors when I uploaded to my account. I plan on posting revised editions as needed to comp.sys.mac.announce about every month or so. I'll probably post the list the first of the month along with the two other monthly posts, Frequently Asked Questions and About Macintosh Newsgroups. New material is denoted by two asterisks, **. Please send newly discovered sites (with IP numbers and directories to check if possible), bug fixes, and comments to: 231b3679@fergvax.unl.edu (Mike Gleason) My address changes periodically, since the administration would rather be inefficient and assign new accounts to the same students every semester. Hopefully, this bit of public service will convince them to give me a permanent account with a name instead of a number ;-) In case you're wondering, I did mail odin@pilot.njin.net and ask him to just add the sites I had, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet. Besides, grepping the ftp.list for 'mac' won't produce what I've come up with. For folks new to ftp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first column of stuff in the data below is the site name. Usually you can just run ftp and type open and then the site name. But some computers don't like the names (or don't have all of them) and prefer the next column of stuff, the IP addresses. If you try the open command with the IP number and it doesn't bite, it isn't gonna work. Most mac ftp sites have encoded their files with BinHex 4.0. These files will end in the suffix '.hqx'. To decode these files, you can just download them to your mac, and use Compact Pro or Stuffit to decode them. THEN, you will need to decompress them. Files ending in '.cpt' are Compact Pro files, '.sit' files are Stuffit's. You will probably need both Compact Pro and Stuffit since both types are common. When it prompts you for a username and password, send "anonymous" as the username, and your email address as the password, for me it would be 231b3679@fergvax.unl.edu. Here's a sample ftp session: % ftp ftp> open sumex-aim.stanford.edu Connected to sumex-aim.stanford.edu. 220 sumex-aim FTP server (SunOS 4.0/3) ready. Name (sumex-aim.stanford.edu:231b3679): anonymous Password (sumex-aim.stanford.edu:anonymous): 231b3679@fergvax.unl.edu 331 Guest login ok, send mail address (user@host) as password. 230 Guest connection 17 (of 25) accepted, access restrictions apply. ftp> cd info-mac ftp> get ./help/recent-files.txt recentFiles ftp> get ./game/cumulonimbus-110.hqx cn.hqx ftp> quit % sz cn.hqx Power User Notes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most files you'll get off ftp are in that pain in the butt format, binhex. I usually download to our unix box, and then use an immensely useful utility called "mcvert" to de-binhex them there. Not only is this faster, but it doesn't tie up your own CPU :-) Stop over to sumex and grab it. After mcvert'ing files, they'll turn into files with ".bin" suffix on them, meaning they are in MacBinary format, and ready to download. If you think you know what you are doing, you could also unstuff the files on your unix box and download the unstuffed files from there, but then you'd need "unsit" and "macbin", also available from sumex. Here's a handy chart to keep track which archivers unmangle which formats: .sit .sit unix .cpt 1.5 dlx .hqx .zip .dd .lzh .Z .pit .arc .bin Compact Pro X X X Stuffit 1.5.1 X X X Stuffit Classic X X X Stuffit Deluxe X X X X X X X Disk Doubler X X DDExpand X X Packit X MacCompress X MacLHarc X ArcMac X BinHex 4.0 X BinHex 5.0 X UnZip X Opinion: If you distribute files to others, keep in mind these guidlines: a. Everyone I know loathes Stuffit formats that are not 1.5.1 compatible. (i.e. Stuffit Classic's and Deluxe's Molasses mode, er, "Best" mode) b. Don't use Self-Extracting Archives (.sea's). They make file sizes larger, and make it easier for virus transmission, since they have to be applications. c. Stuffit 1.5.1's format can be read on many machines besides Macs, like MS-DOS, Unix, and Amiga. d. Stuffit 1.5.1's format can be read by many other archivers besides Stuffit. e. Stuffit 1.5.1 format and Compact Pro format archives are accepted by almost all FTP site maintainers. You may also notice I've included C Style brackets. That's in case some sed wizard can whip up a script to just extract all the data out of this file, and not copy all this introductory crappola. { These sites have many mac files, and are still getting new ones: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- irisa.irisa.fr ** /News/comp.binaries.mac (A) ix1.cc.utexas.edu /microlib/mac (B) nic.funet.fi /pub/mac (C) rascal.ics.utexas.edu /mac (D) sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac (E) ub-mts.cc.umich.edu PC2: (F) wsmr-simtel20.army.mil PD3:<macintosh> ? (G) ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz ** /mac (Q) These sites have a lot of files, but do not get much new: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ apple.com /pub/dts (H) doc.cso.uiuc.edu /mac/MUG /pc+mac/mac/eudora (I) ftp.apple.com /nerdtools :-( (J) giza.cis.ohio-state.edu ** /pub/mac, /pub/oztex mars.ee.msstate.edu /files (K) mcsun.eu.net /comp/mac plains.nodak.edu /pub/mac/pub (L) vega.hut.fi /pub/mac These sites are shadows archives (the same stuff) of something else: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov /mac.dir [dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov] ditmela.mel.dit.csiro.au ** /info-mac [sumex], /mac isca.icaen.uiowa.edu //isca01/bbs/files/infomac (M) ix2.cc.utexas.edu /microlib/mac [ix1.utexas] jyu.fi /maclib [sumex] merlin.cs.purdue.edu /pub/mac [sumex] midway.uchicago.edu ** /pub/OzTex [watmsg.waterloo] oswego.oswego.edu /pub/mac [sumex] pollux.lu.se /pub/mac [sumex] sics.se /pub/info-mac, /pub/mac um.cc.umich.edu PC2: [ub-mts] utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp /Mac, /Mac/info-mac [sumex] ux1.cso.uiuc.edu /mac/MUG [doc.uiuc] ftp.list wuarchive.wustl.edu /systems/mac/info-mac [sumex] These sites have just a few mac files: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ freebie.engin.umich.edu /pub/macfiles garbo.uwasa.fi ** ? /mac icarus.cns.syr.edu ** /software/mac (w/ Unix_Mac list) icarus.riacs.edu /pub jpl-mil.jpl.nasa.gov /pub/Mac procyon.cis.ksu.edu /pub/MAC shiva.com ** /pub splicer.cba.hawaii.edu /mac think.com ** /mac tolsun.oulu.fi /pub/mac ucsd.edu ** /midi/software/macintosh, /pub/mac zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu /Mac These sites are home to a few specific file(s): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ accuvax.nwu.edu ** /pub/tiff/mactonext2.sit.hqx alw.nih.gov ** /pub/image (Image & MacMeasure) arthur.cs.purdue.edu /pub/trinkle/mac32.tar.Z aux.support.apple.com ** / (A/UX stuff) beach.gal.utexas.edu ** /pub/virus/mac (VMS though) bert.cs.byu.edu ** /NCSA_Telnet (BYU's version) boombox.micro.umn.edu ** /pub (macisode, POPmail, addfinder) brownvm.brown.edu tn3270 with src in / ccb.ucsf.edu ** /Pub/Sound_list (Lots of Sounds) citi.umich.edu /pub/NetMac.sit csc2.anu.edu.au /pub/src/MAC (beaver, smtp0.87) d31.rz0.stanford.edu ** /Igor (Igor demos, utilities) dartvax.dartmouth.edu ** /pub/mac (Dartmouth XCMDs, etc) dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov /mac.dir/MacSecure3.hqx dustbin.cisco.com Mac telnet w/slip. Get the README. ftp.acns.nwu.edu ** /pub/disinfectant (Disinf HQ) (L) ftp.cayman.com ** /pub (GatorBox stuff) ics.uci.edu /mac/think-c (M) imag.imag.fr ** /pub/CABRI (Cabri Graph) indri.primate.wisc.edu /pub/mac (TransSkel & misc) iraun1.ira.uka.de /pub/mac (SingleShare) linc.cis.upenn.edu ** /pub/NH3.0/mac (Mac NetHack!) maddog.llnl.gov /pub/uw.tar.Z (unix windows for mac) madhaus.utcs.utoronto.ca /pub (MacSockets) math.uni-heidelberg.de /NetWork (N) novamail.cerl.uiuc.edu ** /pub/lime (Lime demo, for MIDI) pcs15.andrew.cmu.edu ** /pub (snds from the movie Heathers) rata.vuw.ac.nz /pub/Mac (some Igor stuff) ssyx.ucsc.edu /pub/mac (HyperUnix, ClientDA) tasman.cc.utas.edu.au /pub/mac (Mews, a netnews reader) uunet.uu.net /languages/abc (ABC prog lang) watmsg.waterloo.edu ** /pub/oztex (Mac TeX, with source) I can't connect to these sites, which are supposed to have mac stuff: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ peace.waikato.ac.nz anu-news gnu msdos mac ncsa slug.pws.bull.com comp.binaries.mac ucbvax.berkeley.edu ** /pub/mac These sites have nothing, despite what the global ftp list says: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ acad3.fai.alaska.edu yuck, it's a VMS... arisia.xerox.com cc.sfu.ca cmns.think.com f.ms.uky.edu iesd.auc.dk rodan.acs.syr.edu trwind.trw.com wpi.wpi.edu A couple of miscellaneous sites (because it's my list :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iris1.ucis.dal.ca ** /pub/gif (NASA pictures) kfps-roble6-dynamic.stanford.edu /image/simpsons (Simpsons' GIFs!) (special: finger "minakami@neon.stanford.edu" to find IP address) pilot.njin.net /pub/ftp-list/ftp.list (The Biggie) } Notes on some of the above sites: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (A) irisa.irisa.fr ** I thought this site had nothing, but someone pointed out that if you look in the /News directory, there are archives of comp.binaries.mac. I recommend not doing a directory of it, but instead grabbing the index file and looking through it offline. Also, since this site is in France, it is both costly and very slow for folks outside of Europe. ALL FILES: /News/comp.binaries.mac/index XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (B) ix1.cc.utexas.edu Not a large site, but gets some unique files every so often. UPLOAD: send .hqx files to chrisj@emx.utexas.edu ALL FILES: /microlib/mac/file-list.txt RECENT: Do a directory. Get the one with 'Update-[date]' in the name. (C) nic.funet.fi This is a very large european (Finland) site. They are usually current, with much of the stuff from Sumex (even the old stuff Sumex has deleted), and they also have some unique files you won't find anywhere else. People outside of Europe should avoid calling this site often, because it is far away and slow (only 56kbit/s). UPLOAD: use ftp 'put' to copy files into /pub/mac/incoming, then send mail to mac@funet.fi with descriptions. HELP: /pub/mac/HELP ALL FILES: /pub/mac/_file.lst RECENT: /pub/mac/_file.in XFER MODE: Use BINARY. (D) rascal.ics.utexas.edu This used to be one of the best sites around. They've slowed down a bit (no new files in 2 months), but things are picking up. My last submission to rascal was approved and ready for ftp only an hour after I sent it! UPLOAD: email .hqx files to macgifts@rascal.ics.utexas.edu HELP: /mac/0.README-for-this-directory RECENT: look in the /mac/NEW directory. INQUEUE: /mac/INQUEUE XFER MODE: Use BINARY. (E) sumex-aim.stanford.edu This is the number one site for mac files. Everyone on internet submits their stuff to info-mac. Occasionally they get backlogged, but if you could only call one site, this would have to be the one. They also have their own list info-mac digests, on usenet it is 'comp.sys.mac.digest.' Because of space constraints, they periodically delete old (~1 yr) files. UPLOAD: email posts or .hqx files to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu HELP: look in the /info-mac/help directory. Read them all. RECENT: /info-mac/recent-files.txt ALL FILES: /info-mac/all-files.txt INQUEUE: /info-mac/archive-queue.txt XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (F) ub-mts.cc.umich.edu Although this is a non-unix machine, They have really done a good job. They have had a steady flow of new files for quite awhile now, many of them that you won't find on Sumex. Adobe Type 1 compatible fonts abound here! Note to get a file on unix, try: ftp> get PC2:XX/MYFILE myfile.hqx Don't do a directory of PC2: It could take years!!! UPLOAD: email .hqx files to Macintosh_Public_Domain@um.cc.umich.edu RECENT: get PC2:!RECENT pc2.recent ALL FILES: get PC2:!INDEX pc2.allfiles XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (G) wsmr-simtel20.army.mil Another non-unix machine. I have only successfully logged on once, and while they have a tremendous number of files, most of them are stale. I can't really comment on them until I connect again. (H) apple.com Naturally, apple.com is a good place to get such things as the tech notes, sample-code notes (but they haven't posted the most current :-( ), and system software releases. CONTACT: mjohnson@apple.com if you need to ask DTS something. XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (I) doc.cso.uiuc.edu This site has a huge amount of macintosh files; they're actually compressed user group disks available for ftp. This is a good place to find mass quantities of source code. Unfortunately, they haven't updated the database in about 6 months. I have also had problems with 'dir' and 'ls -l'. I can only get 'ls' to work... ALL FILES: /mac/MUG/0Biglist.MUG HELP: /mac/MUG/0README.MUG XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (J) ftp.apple.com This is Apple's soon-to-be dedicated ftp site. There isn't much of anything here yet... It'll probably be ready about the time System 7.0 is released ;-) XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (K) mars.ee.msstate.edu ** The files here are ubiquitous and stale, but I should also point out this site also has an Internet BBS, with multi-user IRC (Internet Relay Chat), and a bunch of message bases. Unfortunately, the bbs is very crowded and difficult to get on. To logon to the BBS (if you're lucky), you'll need to use telnet or connect directly, then when it asks for the "login:" type "bbs". (L) plains.nodak.edu This site has gotten kind of stale, but I did find some source code that I hadn't seen anywhere else; of course they have a variety of other things to offer too. XFER MODE: Use ASCII. (M) isca.icaen.uiowa.edu ** The University of Iowa provides some room for the Iowa Student Computing Association, and not only have they provided an ftp site (sumex shadow), but also an Internet BBS (see mars.ee.msstate.edu, above). This BBS is easy to get on, but they won't let non-UI folks use IRC. Telnet there and send 'iscabbs' as your login name. (N) ftp.acns.nwu.edu ** This is the new headquarters for Disinfectant. The most current version (of course) of Disinfectant and the Disinfectant sample code will live here now. (O) ics.uci.edu This is the home site of the Think-C mailing list. You'll find a bunch of Think Class Library stuff here, along with general Think C code, interfaces, and updaters. Read all the README files in /mac/think-c for more info (and how to get on the mailing list). (P) math.uni-heidelberg's NetWork stuff is moving over to "statlab.uni-heidelberg.de" sometime in the near futuue. (Q) ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz ** A brand new site, it has just got off the ground, so there aren't that many files yet. There are a few things I haven't seen anywhere else, though. Keep in mind that this site is in New Zealand. ALL FILES: /mac/FILE.LIST UPLOAD: Send .hqx files to: mac_ftp@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz XFER-MODE: ASCII |