[ freeeXpression ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): doldori (돌돌이) 날 짜 (Date): 2004년 10월 23일 토요일 오후 12시 46분 14초 제 목(Title): Re: [퍼옴] 당신은 어떤 '확장자'인가? 저는 pdf. 심심해서 뭐뭐가 있나 봤더니... inf : You are informative. When you are gone you make life very difficult for others. scr : You are sneaky, and often cause a lot of trouble for people. You should be avoided. tmp : Your existence is fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow. Sometimes you stay longer than necessary, and take up space. bak : You are a life saver, but you're not always around. Not enough people utilize your skills, because they think you're a waste of spaces. mp3 : The kids love you. You get along with just about everybody, except the music industry. You really make yourself heard. ppt : You present yourself well, but co-workers still find you boring and annoying. Keep it brief and you'll be well-liked. xls : You have a good head for numbers. You like to keep things neatly arranged. Change one part of your life, and you change it all. doc : You change from year to year, just to make things tough on your competition. Only your creator really has a handle on you. zip : You make people feel small, but in a good way. Everybody knows you. The more you age, the more useful you are. html : You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits. When you work with amateurs, it can get quite ugly. gif : Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty. jpg : You are very colorful. Sometimes you forget things, or distort the truth. You like working with pictures more than words. dll : You are dynamic. You are constantly in danger of bringing down the house, because you don't play well with others. exe : When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly. You are familiar to most, and useful to all. c : You have potential, but are often the source of problems and frustration. One misplaced word and you get stuck in an infinite loop. txt : The one everyone knows and relies on, but avoids in social settings because you are very boring and nondescript. rm : You try to keep it real, but you are just a servant of the stream. Nobody really likes you all that much. swf : You are flashy, but lack substance. You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up. pdf : No matter where you go you look the same. You are an acrobat. Nothing is more important to you than the printed word. tar : You are rarely seen without your buddy gz. You're talented at bringing ideas together, so they're easier to work with. mpg : You live life like it was a movie. Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away. vbs : You never met an idiot you didn't like. Anybody with any intelligence loathes you. Just go away. 자매품도 있네요. Which OS are you? http://www.bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php Which Nigerian Spammer are you? http://www.bbspot.com/News/2004/04/nigerian_quiz.php |