[ WWW ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): yelee (Lee, Y.E.) 날 짜 (Date): 1995년02월08일(수) 04시33분55초 KST 제 목(Title): Web browser에 관하여... 축하합니다. 마침, 오늘 (2/7일) New York Times지에 Browser에 관한 글이있이서 부분 발췌해봅니다. (New York Times, 2/7, p.B6) The Web currently has an estimated one million to two million users, but its potential is so great that all of the major personal computer operating system makers and commercial online information services will soon include browsers as standard components of their software... Internet users who have direct or dial-up connections to an Internet Protocal (I.P.) computer - most commonly through an account called SLIP or P.P.P. - can choose their own browsers. More than a dozen are available now for Windows and Macintosh computers, and it seems as if a new one arrives every week. Several browsers can be downloaded without charge from the Internet, which means it does not cost a lot to test several different ones. The best known browser is called Mosaic, originally developed at the University of Illinois's National Center for Supercomputer Applications (N.C.S.A.). Versions of N.C.S.A. Mosaic are available for the Unix, Windows and Macintosh operating systmes (for information, send a blank E-mail message to orders@ncsa.uiuc.edu). N.C.,S.A. Mosaic is a good choice, but it has been eclipsed by several of its commercial off-spring. The university has licensed Mosaic to Spyglass Inc., a private company, which has developed its own version of Enhanced Mosaic and has in turn licensed Mosaic to a variety of other companies, including Microsoft, I.B.M., Digital Equipment and AT&T. The latest version of Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic, 2.0, is much faster than the original and has some impressive features. But Mosaic's main challenger today is called Netscape Navigator, from Netscape Communications Inc. Netscape Navigator is rapidly becoming the browser of choice for many Internauts because of its speed and reliability. Recent surveys suggest it has already captured 60 percent of the browser market, as against 20 percent for Mosaic. 도움이 되셨기를... - Young-Eum Lee - youngeum@umich.edu - http://www.umich.edu/~youngeum/youngeum.html |