[ USA ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): hl1sul (생선전) 날 짜 (Date): 2008년 12월 09일 (화) 오전 08시 15분 03초 제 목(Title): Re: 언어 구사의 변천 I know of a woman who excels in academic writings. Her amazing organizational skill aside, individual expressions she uses are always proper and elegant. In old days, even her picky advisor would comment on only a couple of article misuses. Her papers would be given to graduate students as examples to follow. But I know she was no better than me ten years ago. So what did she do to imporve her writing skill? First of all, I should say she is a bit of perfectionist. Whenever she got horrible feedback on her writing, she struggled to make it perfect. She would analyze what was wrong based on the corrections and suggestions she got. She kept the list of expressions and would copy or apply them in her writing. She wouldn't stop until it became "perfect". After repeating this process for several years, she has developed a sense of English. She now notices slight differences and can articulate what is wrong and why something is wrong. In addition to this, she knows how to logicaly lay out things in her writing. According to her, it was quite a challenge because it required changes in how she thinks. More logical and critical thinking was needed and, in her opinion, that is lacking in Korean language of today. She sees the differences clearly, but I don't. I probably never will. That's probably why I am not as good an English writer as she is. Is it a publically accessible blog? |