[ UIUC ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): quick () 날 짜 (Date): 1996년10월01일(화) 11시38분04초 KDT 제 목(Title): 박 희 준 을 찾 습 니 다. Oops, korean characters are broken. Ok, I'm looking for Heejoon Park who was undergraduate in EE in UIUC. And he was somewhat addicted to bbs's like kids, and fleur which is his own bbs. Yes, his nickname here in kids was 'fleur' Suddenly I lost his track, and I can't reach him. I do not know if he moved to other university, or what. His american name is Kevin. Please let me contact him and kick his butt. "Heejoon a dol a wa ra" Yun-Cheol Jeong |