[ Teach ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): djchoi (아 몬 드) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년10월08일(토) 10시04분23초 KDT 제 목(Title): [re] latex 가로 뽑기 만약 dvips를 사용하신다면 dvips -t landscape ...로 하면 90도 회전시켜뽑을 수 있습니다.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- > man dvips (중략) -t papertype This sets the paper type to papertype. The papertype should be defined in one the appropriate code to select it. (Currently known types include letter, legal, ledger, a4, a3, ) You can also specify -t landscape, which rotates a document by 90 degrees. To rotate a document whose size is not letter, you can use the -t option twice, once for the page size, and once for landscape. The upper left corner of each page in the .dvi file is placed one inch from the left and one inch from the top. Use of this option is highly dependent on the configuration file. Note that executing the letter or a4 or other PostScript operators cause the document to be nonconforming and can cause it not to print on certain printers, so the paper size should not execute such an operator if at all possible. |