
[알림판목록 I] [알림판목록 II] [글목록][이 전][다 음]
[ Teach ] in KIDS
글 쓴 이(By): SYSOP (Kidsysop)
날 짜 (Date): 1994년05월19일(목) 09시07분40초 KDT
제 목(Title): [A] ftp 사용법

                         화일 전송

ftp(File Trasfer Program)은  호스트간의  화일을  전송시키기  위한  프로그램
이다.  soback과 ring간에 화일을 전송시키는 방법을 알아보자. 먼저, soback에서
ring으로 ftp를 이용하여 connection을 생성하면 다음과 같이 ftp의 명령모드로

   | % ftp ring.kotel.co.kr                                                 |
   | Connected to ring.kotel.co.kr.                                         |
   | 220 ring.kotel.co.kr FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready                      |
   | Name (ring.kotel.co.kr:hsbyun): sonnim                                 |
   | 331 Password required for sonnim                                       |
   | Password:                                                              |
   | 230 User sonnim logged in.                                             |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

'ftp>' 프롬프트에서 사용자는 다양한 명령어를 입력 할수 있읍니다.  'dir'은 현재
디렉토리에 있는 파일을 보여준다.

   | ftp> dir                                                               |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.                    |
   | total 3116                                                             |
   | drwxr-xr-x  2 7        21            512 Nov 21  1988 .forward         |
   | -rw-rw-r--  1 7        11              0 Jun 23  1988 .hushlogin       |
   | drwxrwxr-x  2 0        21            512 Jun  4  1990 Census           |
   | drwxrwxr-x  2 0        120           512 Jan  8 09:36 ClariNet         |
   | -rw-rw-r--  1 7         14        2018887 May 21 01:01 uumap.tar.Z     |
   | drwxrwxr-x  2 7        6            1024 May 11 10:58 uunet-info       |
   | 226 Transfer complete.                                                 |
   | 5414 bytes receivedin 1.1 seconds (4.9 Kbytes/s)                       |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

이제 ring의 sonnim이라는 ID를 사용하는 사용자의 home directory에 있는 sample
이라는 화일을 soback으로 전송하는 방법을 알아보자.

   | ftp> cd ~sonnim                                                        |
   | 250 CWD command successful.                                            |
   | ftp> get sample                                                        |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection for sample (,1034)(742 bytes).     |
   | 226 ASCII transfer complete.                                           |
   | local: sample remote: sample                                           |
   | 742 bytes received in 0.01 seconds (75Kbytes/s)                        |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

또한, soback의 화일을 ring으로 전송하는 방법은 다음과 같다.

   | ftp> put sample                                                        |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection for sample (,1034)(742 bytes).      |
   | 226 ASCII transfer complete.                                           |
   | local: sample remote: sample                                           |
   | 742 bytes received in 0.01 seconds (75Kbytes/s)                        |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

ftp 프로그램은 동시에 하나 이상의 화일을 전송시킬 수 있다. 예를 들어 다음과
같이 ftp의 명령어 모드에서 mget과 mput 명령어를 사용하여 ".c"로 끝나는 모든
화일을들 전송해 보자.

   | ftp> mget *.c                                                          |
   | mput samlpe1.c? y                                                      |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection for sample1.c (,1039).             |
   | 226 Transfer complete.                                                 |
   | local: sample1.c remote: sample1.c                                     |
   | 2327 bytes sent in 0.01 seconds (75Kbytes/s)                           |
   | mput sample2.c? y                                                      |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection for sample2.c (,1040).             |
   | 226 Transfer complete.                                                 |
   | local: sample2.c remote: sample2.c                                     |
   | 2327 bytes sent in 0.01 seconds (75Kbytes/s)                           |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

mput과 mget은 화일들을 전송시킬 때 마다 전송여부를 확인하는데 이때 y를 입력하면
전송을하고 y 이외의 다른 문자를 입력하면 전송을 하지 않는다. 그러나  사용자가
무조건 모든 화일을 전송하고 싶으면 prompt 명령을 사용하면 된다.

   | ftp> prompt off                                                        |
   | Interactive mode off                                                   |
   | ftp> mput *.c                                                          |
   | 200 PORT command successfil.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection fot sample1.c(,1042) (713 bytes). |
   | 226 ASCII Transfer complete.                                           |
   | local: sample1.c remote: sample1.c                                     |
   | 734 bytes transfered in 0.01 seconds (72 Kbytes/s)                     |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection fot sample2.c(,1042) (713 bytes). |
   | 226 ASCII Transfer complete.                                           |
   | local: sample2.c remote: sample2.c                                     |
   | 734 bytes transfered in 0.01 seconds (72 Kbytes/s)                     |
   | 226 ASCII Transfer complete.                                           |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

전송하고자 하는 화일의 형태에 따라서 텍스트 화일인 경우 ASCII로 또는 image
화일인 경우에는 binary로 모드를 변경시켜 전송할 수 있다.

   | ftp> binary                                                            |
   | 200 Type set to I.                                                     |
   | ftp> ascii                                                             |
   | 200 Type set to A.                                                     |
   | ftp>                                                                   |

그외에 ftp의 명령어 모드에서 수행될 수 있는 명령어들은 다음과 같다.

   | ftp> help                                                              |
   | Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:                             |
   |                                                                        |
   | !          cr         ls         prompt     runique                    |
   | $          delee      macdef     proxy      send                       |
   | account    debug      mdelete    sendport   status                     |
   | append     dir        mdir       put        struct                     |
   | ascii      disconnect mget       pwd        sunique                    |
   | bell       form       mkdir      quit       tenex                      |
   | binary     get        mls        quote      trace                      |
   | bye        glob       mode       recv       type                       |
   | case       hash       mput       remotehelp user                       |
   | cd         help       nmap       rename     verbose                    |
   | cdup       image      ntrans     reset      ?                          |
   | close      lcd        open       rmdir                                 |
   | ftp>quit                                                               |
   | 221 Goodbye                                                            |
   | %                                                                      |

호스트간의 화일 전송이 끝나면 quit나 bye 명령을 사용하여 ftp를 종료한다.

                     * Anonymous FTP의 이용 *

anonymous ftp란 호스트간에 특별히 사용자 번호를 갖고있지 않아도 유용한 정보
를 전송할 수 있게하는 방법으로 일반 사용자들이  공용으로  사용할  수  있는
사용자 번호인 anonymoys라는 이름으로 ftp를 하면 된다. 이 경우 password로는
일반적으로 사용자의 사용자 번호나 전자메일 주소를 적으면 된다. 국내에서도
몇개의 호스트가 anonymous 서비스를 제공하고 있는데 그 호스트들의 목록은
다음과 같다.


Internet에서 접속할 수 있는 anonymous ftp가 가능한 호스트의 목록을 담고있는
화일은  han.hana.nm.kr에  anonymous  ftp로  접속하면 찾을 수 있다. 다음은
soback에서 han.hana.nm.kr에 anonymous ftp를 하여 anon.ftp.list라는 화일을
받아오는 예이다.

   | Connected to han.hana.nm.kr.                                           |
   | 220 han.hana.nm.kr  FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready                       |
   | Name (ring.kotel.co.kr:hsbyun): anonymous                              |
   | 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.                            |
   | Password:                                                              |
   | 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.                         |
   | ftp> cd netinfo                                                        |
   | 200 CWD command successful                                             |
   | ftp> get anon.ftp.list                                                 |
   | 200 PORT command successful.                                           |
   | 150 ASCII data connection for anon.ftp.list (3024 bytes).              |
   | 226 ASCII transfer complete.                                           |
   | local: anon.ftp.list remote: anon.ftp.list                             |
   | 3024 bytes received in 0.01 seconds (256 Kbytes/s)                     |
   | ftp> quit                                                              |
   | 221 Goodbye.                                                           |
   | %                                                                      |

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KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS KIDS  ~~~ (*)/'(*)      sysop@kids.kotel.co.kr
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