[ SungShin ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): SungNam (Sung Nam) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년12월15일(수) 18시51분30초 KST 제 목(Title): Saying Hello Hi everybody? I just got into Sung Shin University buletine board and glad to look around here. Somehow I should write with Korean ,however my system does not support Korean properly. Somebody please tell me how I can write Korean on any editer. I connect my PC to school computer and I get in touch with kids. Also I have been used software called "Iyagi". Maybe it is simple to find the way to get things right. But I could't figure it out. Please send me a email or post it. Email address is as the folloing: cs911058@cs.yorku.ca As well, I am in Toronto , Canada and majoing 3rd year Computer Science. Your help will be apriciated in acvance... Truly Sung Nam (Bryan) Oh |