[ SungShin ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): ammon (아몽) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년11월03일(수) 10시48분24초 KST 제 목(Title): THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS o | [---] | | | | |------========| /----|---|\ | **** |=======| /___/___\___\ o | **** |=======| | | ___| |==============| | | ___ {(__)} |==============| \-----------/ []( )={(oo)} |==============| \ \ / / /---===--{ \/ } | ----------------- / | NASA |==== | | | * ||------||-----^ ----------------- || | | / / \ \ ^^ ^ | / ---- \ ^^ ^^ This cow jumped over the Moon (__) ([][]) "I have this recurring dream __\/_--U about golden arches.".. (__) /\ \__ ^ :..("") /\\\ / / //\ ____\_____\/ // /----^/__/\ /\ // \\/ \___ / // \\\____/--\-- // /-/__________/ // /====== \/ =======/==============// *_/ / \ /^ // / \\ / \ ^ // \\ Psycowlogist and patient (___) \^^^^^^^^\ (__) (o o) \^^^^^^^^\\ (oo) \ / *-----\_______\/\/ \--O--/ ^_______/ --- \______^ // -----\ ^--------\ \S/ /\_____^ \\/_^{} /==V===[] \______/ \_____\\// \__/ It's a bird... //\\ The Boss It's a plane... // \\ (Bruce Holstien) // // ^^ ^^ ================== _____________________________ H H | |-------------| H (__) H | | ________ | H (oo) H __ | COWNTY | | (|__|) | | H / \/ \ H / \ | JAIL | | |oo| | | H | | | | H | STOP | | | |__|\/|__| | H D===b=----- H \ __ / | | o | H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H || | | ^ | H H || | | ] | H H || |