[ SungShin ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): dread (Young.M.P) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년08월01일(일) 08시40분10초 KDT 제 목(Title): Umm... Well. now just a few ppl on kids..So boring.. I am wondering what ppl do in korea on Sundays.. Having dates? well. i never had one in my life so can't imagine that.. But,.. just wanna say that..If you have anything else to do on weekend..Send me email or talk to me on kids.. 8) hehe. well. thank ppl who read my last msg for replying me.. Gotta find something interesting...then see ya all. 8) oops.. forgot my email address...;) yp25@andrew.cmu.edu Well... Whenever gert bored, write me..;) Adios.. |