[ SungShin ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): dread (Young.M.P) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년07월31일(토) 11시04분02초 KDT 제 목(Title): Any English user? Hello ppl in korea.. Well I gotto know about kids about a year ago, and wanted to get in here.. But i couldn't get an account since kids was full... well. Umm.. after i got this account, one more problem, i couldn't use hangul with those machines that i am using..Also it was hard for me to find ppl use english on kids.. Especially girls..welll. so if you don't mind using english then page me when you see me on kids..I am always looking for new friends.. Well. That's all i wanted to say here.. then... Seeya.. |