글 쓴 이(By): lenna (김 정희) 날 짜 (Date): 1993년05월19일(수) 09시44분32초 KST 제 목(Title): [R] 성신에 계신 분들은.. 미충이를 아세요? cs.sungshin의 mychung을 처음 본 나 아는 분이 "미충이는 뭐해요???" "네??? 미충이요???" 헤헤. 그 이후 우리는 모두 미영이를 미충이라 부르죠. 여기에 한술 더 뜨시는분이 계셨으니 U.S.C에 계시는 hylee님의 멋진 "미충에 대한 해석은..." To: jhkim@cs.sungshin.ac.kr Subject: Another explanation for "mychung" - just for FUN Cc: mychung@cs.sungshin.ac.kr I have better explanation for "mychung" - MICRO-BUG. "Micro-bug" is a cute creature, and loves to be in the "organization" regardless of it's taste. Though its size is bigger than virus, its infection to the system is not harmful as well-known virus infection (you don't need to abandon the infected system). But, when your program is not working well, the micro-bug is most suspicious culprit, and I recommand you to get rid of the micro-bug in your system, before you try to correct your program. - hylee PS: I hope mychung don't get angry for me. 랄랄라라~~~ |