[ SungShin ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): wine (와인) 날 짜 (Date): 1994년01월31일(월) 11시26분30초 KST 제 목(Title): To Old Mercury. Hi! Mercury. I tried to contact with you to know who "NOW Mercury" is. But it's very difficult to talk with you. :) Please send mail to me or contact me using talk. I have your ID, Mercury. I got it from skjo. :) I'm looking forward to your messages. Good luck! To SunShin user. Sorry for my writing personal mail in this board, but without this board I can't contact with "Old Mercury" who is a member of SunShin Univ. It is very serious for Mercury to get her own ID. I'll erase this message as soon as possilbe. Thanks for your attention. |