[ Stanford ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (stranger) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년10월30일(목) 05시34분34초 ROK 제 목(Title): visiting Stanford Stanford University is one of my favorite schools. I visited only once around X-mas, unfortunately, it rained all the time. School was so beautiful that it didn't look like one. I wish I had someone to guide me around. Bookstores had many books I wanted to have, some of them I thought I could only get by ordering from a publisher. We stayed at Holiday Inn near school (almost like across the school). The motel was the most expensive Holiday Inn I had ever stayed at, spent more than $100 including tax. I should have stayed farther from campus. As we drive around, saw cars like BMW 850 or Testarossa on the road, must be the parents seeing off (or taking home) their kids to college. It was strange though to see many people walking on the street. They looked like they were really poor. Dirty and worn-out clothes. Looked like hispanic town was nearby. Overall, the roads were a little confusing to drive at first. But, I sort of liked how they felt. Is it El Camino Blvd, the one that extends really far, (maybe to S.F.)? |