[ Stanford ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): tyranno (노웅기) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년07월17일(목) 07시46분38초 KDT 제 목(Title): Desperately Looking for Koreans... I am Woong-Kee Loh, a graduate student at KAIST, Taejon, and am staying here at Stanford University for about a month. I and Wook-Shin Han study on database systems at Computer Science Department. I have graduated Korea Institute of Technology(KIT) in 1991. (I entered in 1987.) If I could see any Korean student here before I return to Korea, it will be a great pleasure to me. I want to know how they live here. I have heard that a Korean student is a member of database group of Computer Science Dept. My phone number is: 415-498-9899 (rains house 18X) Best Regards, Woong-Kee Loh |