[ Stanford ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): Xlander (710S10404L걯) 날 짜 (Date): 1997년05월20일(화) 09시46분24초 KDT 제 목(Title): To jyyoon & friends Hi, Jongyoung hyung! I have been quite busy these days and all the tries I made to login to kids wasn't success at all. Today, I guess is the first time I login successfully after I made a letter last time. So how are you doing? Busy? Do you guys have any meeting yet? There could have been one at least if I didin't leave Stanford -->Right grammer??? Send me E-mail anytime. Nameless has all my E-mail addresses, one at Stanford (it is different from the one I had before, the former one declined). and another in Korea. How is your plan for this summer, let me know if you are coming OK? And who is JJH by the way. Do not forget that nice Stanford boys ? --Something wrong with this network, never works nicely! Neglect if any bad sentence. See you soon. Bye. |