[ Stanford ] in KIDS 글 쓴 이(By): guest (Goo) 날 짜 (Date): 1996년06월25일(화) 05시16분31초 KDT 제 목(Title): [[Answer] to funsoo (Kim SangHo1 ) Well, as you know, there is no absolute guide line. But according to last statistics, the average GPA was 3.84/4.00, GRE(Verbal+Quant.) was 1380. Every year about 250 students get admissions from EE and this number include MS students. Until 1992, just one or two Korean got admissions, moreover half of them finished their undergraduate of MS in the US. But now the number is increasing. Last year 5 Korean were admitted. Most Korean who came directly from Korea are from Seoul National Unviersity. Currently two guys are from Yonsei, one from Kwagidae. Actually the admission is less tough than you imagine. I'd like to encourage you to apply for. If you have anymore questions, write here to Goo. Jung-Suk Goo PS> Sorry that I write in English. Right now I cannot write in Korean. |